Chapter 13

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Joes POV:
I woke up to find Jade still asleep I decided to prank her, I got up out of her arms and went down to the kitchen I got out some whipped cream and some paper plates, I went upstairs and opened the whipped cream and put some on the plate, I got above Jade and got my vlogging camera out to blog it
"Good morning guys so today I'm going to prank my girlfriend, she's such a deep sleeper look" I turned to camera to Jade.
"So for a little morning surprise I'm going to wake my girlfriend up with whipped cream to the face, sorry princess" I laughed to the camera " one, two, three" I smacked the plate into jades face she soon shot up out of bed.
"Joe what the hell are you doing, are you recording me? Seriously joe I'm only in your top" she shouted
I was laughing so much I fell to the ground I tired the camera to me
"The prank master strikes again" as soon as I said that Jade threw some whipped cream at me and hit me right of the nose. I put the camera away and we had a massive cream fight. When e were finished we went to clean off.
Me and Jade went to clean off in the shower. We got out and decided to go and see Caspar as it was only 12pm and Jade has never met him before.

Jades POV:
We got cleaned up and went to go and see joes friend Caspar, I've heard a lot about him but I've never met him before. We got dressed I put on some leggings and one of joes tops. We got into joes car and headed to Caspar house we got there and knocked the door and a tall man with blonde hair opened the door. He was good looking but no where near as good looking as joe.

Caspars POV:
I was just watching a movie and the doorbell rang it was joe and a girl, joes told me that he was talking to this girl but I didn't know she was this good looking, she had mid length blonde hair with blue eyes, she was gorgeous and so my type.
"Hey mate this is Jade my girlfriend"
She it's his girlfriend and I've just said she's good looking what's wrong with me, I decided to play it cool and act like noting was wrong.
"Hey joe and hi Jade"
"Hey Caspar" she said he voice is adorable.
I invited them inside and we sat on the sofa, Jade was cuddled up to joe and fell asleep on his lap. How much I'm wishing I was joe right now is unbelievable. Joe woke Jade up as it was time for lunch, we decided to go and get a takeaway
"What kind of takeaway do you guys want" Jade said in her cute accent
"Pizza!" I shouted we all laughed and joe and Jade went out to get the pizza. While they were gone I couldn't help but think about jade. Shit I'm falling for my Bestfriends girlfriend. They were gone for about 30 mins and then they arrived. We all sat down on my sofa and ate our pizza. Jade and joe decided to stay the night. It was about 11pm so Jade and joe went to bed. So did it, still thinking about joe I fell asleep.

Jades POV:
"Joe how do you feel about pranking Caspar?"
"Omg yes! What should we do?"
"Let's freeze all his cookery"
"Haha yes that sounds amazing"
We got out of bed and went to his kitchen, we got a big tub and filled it with water and placed all his cookery in there, we filled his cups and glasses up with water and put them in the freezer along with the tub of cookery. We also did this with all his bowls leaving two out, two spoons and two glasses for me and joe and hid them in our room, we also hid the kettle. We went to bed and couldn't stop laughing we got into our room and went to sleep.

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