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Hello, beautiful people ~

Welcome to The Opaque Awards 2017!

We decided to call this the Opaque awards because of the word's meaning.

Opaque: (adj) not clear enough to see through or let light through.

With that said it is evident that our objective is to help great authors and books be discovered and gain the recognition it deserves. To give undiscovered author's a chance to step into the light and be seen.

I (evanesces) had this idea to run an Awards account for underrated authors because it's frustrating to see such unique, great content catching dust.

So, I asked my favourite reader (Nenesta) {that's meeeeee} and friend to help me out and she said yes :') {I'm not marrying you, relax}

Why should you enter?

1) We've already explained all of it! C;

2) even if you don't win, you get a couple of more reads and if we like your story, maybe votes too c: so you get something out of entering anyway.

so here we go!

Entry form coming up »

-Riah [evanesces] ♡
-Fuzzball {Nenesta} ♥

THE OPAQUE AWARDS Where stories live. Discover now