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How could you ever forget the steaming cups of coffee we shared beside the fireplace; with snowdrops pelting in tumultuous fury outside,
The passion in our breaths; making us virtually oblivious to unveiling time.

How could you ever forget those shopping sprees, in which we were together; with me holding all those slippery vegetables,
The bags in our hands stashed with indispensable amenities of life; yet our palms entwined in each other.

How could you ever forget the marathon walks we had on the sea shores; with our feet dabbling into slimy cocoons of sand,
The salty froth of the ocean slapping us tenderly on our cheeks; with the exquisite backdrop of the sun setting in evanescent horizon.

How could you ever forget those bare horseback rides; where we went gallivanting through the steep mountains,
With intermittent showers of rain cascading down; drawing us all the more closer in perpetual reality.

How could you ever forget those times when we felt sleepless at nights; tossing and turning rampantly on the bed,
Eventually falling asleep with your heart throbbing close to mine; in due admiration of the twinkling stars.

How could you ever forget the moments when we studied together; unrelentingly browsing through a conglomerate of fine lines,
Trying our best to decipher baffling enigmas; inspiring each other to put in our very best.

How could you ever forget the exhilaration we had while attempting to catch each other; running wildly in the grass,
The mischievous squeals that emanated from your mouth; the instant I apprehended you.

How could you ever forget those cooking sessions that we had in the kitchen; with both of us being perfect amateurs to the art,
Haphazardly trying to slice through fruit; producing inarticulate slices of the melon as an inevitable aftermath.

How could you ever forget those sporadic outbursts of jealousy that we had; profusely condemning and rebuking each other,
The times when we mixed with aliens; tried to indulge in frivolous relationships with the same.

How could you ever forget the way you blushed; the first time I proposed you,
The felicity in our eyes; the rhapsody that engulfed our persona; when we knew we were going to be bonded together.

You were smiling and there with me till yesterday; until the creator uncouthly snatched you away from me,
Please come back to me my mesmerizing sweetheart; for I have not the power to erase our memories; will definitely relinquish breath without you.

You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 6Where stories live. Discover now