The Headmistress and The Maze

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Dear Father,

This is my first time writing a letter. Normally I would just give you a call, but here in Hogwarts things are different.
I'm sorry for not sending one earlier, I've been too busy with homework and studying.
My first week went flying. I made really good friends and I like my teachers, well, most of them.
The studying I did during summer vacation is really paying off. I'm not being held behind. I'm good at almost every class, except Potions, which is a little difficult, but I'll do my best.
So, you have a dog now? I'm really looking forward to see her. I'm a little worried about Kimora. I just hope they don't fight.
I've been thinking about a name to give her and I kind of like Emma. It's a beautiful name and it kind of suits her. What do you think?
I miss you a lot.

From your daughter, who loves you,

Aurora put down the quill and stowed the letter in an envelope. She looked outside the window and saw the ground covered by white snow and the grey sky, where the clounds were, slowly, dispersing.

"Have you finished?"

She looked behind and saw her short blond haired friend.

"I just have to send it." She replied.

"You can use my owl." Hillary said.

"I didn't know you had an owl."
"Neither did I." Espen spoke.

"It's a screech owl. His name is Nugget."

They laughed.

"Of course it had to be a name of a food." Espen said.

"I like nuggets. Who doesn't?" Hillary stated.

They went to the common room, where they found Lynx and Caspar.

"Good morning." Caspar greeted.

"Good morning." The girls replied.

The five of them headed to the Great Hall to have breakfast.

Everyone seemed excited about something and Aurora couldn't figure out why.

Aurora and the others sat down on their table.

"Is something going to happen?" Aurora asked them.

"It's almost Christmas." Lynx informed.

She was surprised. How could she forget about Christmas?

"Are you going home or staying?" He asked.

"Wait. We can stay at school? Here, in Hogwarts?"

He frowed at her, bewildered. "Huh, yeah. Where have you been? Don't you notice the posters and flyers scattered around school?"

"Not really." She chuckled, embarassed.

"I'm going home." Hillary spoke. "My grandparents are going to visit."

Aurora thought a little. This was a good opportunity. She was pretty sure, almost everyone would be with their families. So, she could roam around in the library freely and search about her mother. However, she wanted to spend Christmas with her father. Was her mother that important, so that she had to give up on a Christmas night with her father?

She glanced at Espen.

"Are you going home?" She asked her.

The Arising Dawn | Book 1 of the Hogwarts Series |Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora