Think I'm Only Dreaming (Trent and Will)

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Trent's POV                                                                                                                        

   I first saw him during X-factor boot camp, I honestly thought he was the most beautiful person I have ever seen, and don't ask me why I thought a guy was beautiful but to me he was. I could tell he was taller than me, not by much but he was taller. He has brown eyes, dark brown. Most people don't like brown eyes, they tend to think they are average and boring but his eyes to me at least are breath taking, with just one look into them I could already tell so much about him even from across the room. Like the fact that he is driven, passionate, joyful, and out going but still some how bashful and a little shy. His smile honestly made me go completely weak in the knees. I wondered if that was what love at first sight felt like the feeling's he brought up in me where like nothing I ever felt before. All I could think is I hope we both get through because I would have done anything to get to know him and have him in my life. If only I had known I wouldn't have to do much at all the judge's were going to do it for me by placing us is a group together. Hell we where in the same ensemble, ensemble 6 to be exact, god I almost lost it when he started raping, I really wanted to know if the judges and producers and the whole X- factor team were trying to do me in.  If you can't tell by now I'm talking about Will yes, the William Singe, one of my band mates, one of my now best friends and the man I'm in love with and have been since first sight. That's what this story is about. What we were, what we are and what we will be.

Will's POV

   When I first saw Trent I was confused, why you ask, Because I had never and I do mean NEVER been attracted to a male before but there was just something about him, I'm not sure if I could ever put into words everything he made me feel with one glance and yea I know this all sounds cheesy and cliché but it wasn't all smooth sailing there was heartbreak, tears, sorrow, anger. Trust me when I say there was a struggle internally and externally. I was so confused I know I lashed out at him so much, hurt him so much I can't believe he ever forgave me. He say's it's because realizing and accepting that he was bisexual was difficult for him and he can't blame me for having a tough time accepting a new found part of me. See I'm pansexual, I didn't even know that was a thing let alone what it was what it meant. All I knew when my eyes landed on Trent for the first time was that first he was (and still is) gorgeous, and second parts of me where reacting that had never reacted because of a guy before and they shouldn't be reacting at all. Oh let me tell you, I seriously thought someone somewhere was trying to tell me something or was just plain out trying to get me, I mean really here this guy was that I was instantly attracted to even after never liking a guy before but then we end up in the same damn ensemble, ensemble 6 Zach was there as well but we shall talk about him at another time. You know I think one of the hardest parts for me was when I realized that if thing got bad because our fans and other people didn't accept us then the other boys would suffer to, all I can say is thank God for Jayden, Julian, Zach, my family and friends from home, our fans, and most of all thank God for Trent. He is my rock, best friend, confident, lover and so very much more, if it weren't for him I never would have got through this point in my life. And this well this is our story, how it started and how we got to where we are now.

(A/N. hey everyone who decided to read this LOL well this is the first time I've written in a while so I hope the start is at least okay,  if no one at all seems interested in this I most likely will not continue so if it sounds ok and you think maybe you would like to see more let me know. Also yes I know the cover is not great I do not have the software for making cover nor do I know what software to use and also don't know how to make videos so I will likely never put one on any of my stories and last but not least if I put a picture on here that you know is yours let me know and I will do my best to let anyone else reading know well that's all )

Think I'm Only Dreaming (Trent and Will)Where stories live. Discover now