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Mul Qah Div

The battle began with Miraak donning his golden, draconic armor. Not to be outdone, the Last Dragonborn did the same, using the Dragon Aspect Shout for the first time since she had learned all three words. The warrior felt the power of the Shout flow through her as her body was enveloped with the otherworldly armor, just like its creator before her. The Shout almost completely erased the unease and fear she had been feeling before the battle began. The younger Dragonborn now felt like she could defeat her enemy.

Above both Dragonborn, Sahrotaar roared as it attacked the other two dragons, Relonikiv and Kruziikrel. The serpentine dragon that flew the Last Dragonborn to the summit was still under the influence of her Bend Will Shout. The dragon was a much needed ally. He would be able to keep the other two dragons busy as she focused on Miraak.

"So, you use my own Shout against me. You learn quickly." The Last Dragonborn could hear the grudging respect in Miraak's voice at the armor she had conjured. The warrior felt a small bit pride at his words.

"And now and I'll defeat your own Shout, traitor."

"You will try. Now come!" Miraak's voice oozed confidence, which angered the younger Dragonborn. She would soon teach him a lesson for underestimating her. The Dragon Priest just stood there with a golden sword in hand while the female Dragonborn raised her greatsword and charged at him. The warrior narrowed her eyes at the man's aloof posture. It was like Miraak didn't think she would be able to do anything to him. She was wary but both of them had just used their Shouts so he would not-

Ven Gar Nos

The woman barely dodged the attack, leaping out of the way to the right. She didn't stop her charge but she was surprised. It looked like Miraak could use his Dragon Shouts at a higher frequency than her. She hadn't been expecting him to use another so quickly. It was understandable, however, since her foe was so much older than her. The Last Dragonborn wondered how long it took Miraak to do such a thing. Would she live long enough to be able to do the same?

As soon as Miraak saw that his Shout had been dodged, he switched weapons and unleashed an odd attack from a golden staff. A spray of oily blackness hit the Last Dragonborn square in the chest as she had been continuing forward.

The female Dragonborn screamed as her body erupted in pain. She almost dropped her sword in shock but was able to hold on to it. The woman doubled over in pain and frantically tried to wipe off the thick black substance from herself. That was another attack she had not been expecting. Just what the hell did that bastard hit her with? Whatever enchantment the staff had was strong and her Dragon Aspect armor did not do much to protect her against it. The black substance quickly fell to the ground, torn off from the warrior's body but it left her poisoned. She felt faint with its strength but forced herself to move.

Focusing on the battle once more, Last Dragonborn saw that Miraak was close to her. He now had the golden blade one one had again and was readying a powerful spell in the other. The woman clumsily dodged the shock spell sent her way, gritting her teeth at the wave of pain and dizziness the movement caused. When Miraak came closer to slash at her, the female Dragonborn thrust halfheartedly with her own greatsword to make him back away. Miraak easily dodged the swing but he had put a little bit of distance between them. That was what she wanted.

Planting her blade point down on the ground with one hand, the female warrior made as if to cast a spell. But instead she Shouted, feeling herself recharged enough to use another. Miraak was too close to dodge it.

Fus Ro Dah

As the younger Dragonborn let the attack out, she grasped her blade with both hands and raised it high. She ignored the dizziness she felt and and leapt forward to slash down at her enemy. Miraak stumbled at her Shout's power but he was not as affected as the woman thought he would be. The man recovered fast enough to block her downward slash with the flat of his own smaller blade. He placed the the palm of his unequipped hand near the tip of his blade to give him extra strength in halting the larger greatsword. The Last Dragonborn was as close as she had ever been to Miraak. His mask obscured his face so she could not tell what he was thinking, but she wished to. You could tell a lot from a man's face in battle.

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