The Road

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I've been in love with a boy in high school, (he's only a freshmen). He likes me too, or so I think. Before I get all cheesy and lovey-dovey, there is a downside about him. He talks to a lot of other girls, but he claims that he talks to me the most. I don't mean to brag, but all the boys in school like me. I don't mind it, but sometimes it can just get out of hand. All the drama catches up with you in these situations. Mom says all the boys love me because of my dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. Ok, back on track now. Oh wait, I never said his name! His name is Lucas. Ok, now we'll get back in track! Everyday after school, Lucas rides his bike to my house, when he gets here I hop on my bike and ride with him. Our favorite spot to go to is on the old road, Burnt Mill Road. It is super quiet and clear of trees, so we can clearly see the moonlight and the night trains.

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