Chapter 1~

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AN ~ ayeeeee, lol I haven't been on here in a while and this time it's a completely different story with different people.. I'm a fan of BTS! WHO KNEW?! Anyway please enjoy the first chapter...


Eun Min woke up from her long slumber of sleep. Exhausted she slowly sat up rubbing her tired sore eyes and scratching her hair. Still half asleep she yawned and stretched before she finally opened her eyes to see the world. Guess I better get up huh? She mumbles to herself, another new day of not wanting to be anywhere but her bed. She didn't want to go to uni and study, she was fed up of it now.. Ever since that incident she's never really been the same. Everyone knew about it, it was horrific... Everyday after she got back everyone would always keep asking her if she was okay, or if she needed anything. She was tired of it all, so tired that she wished she never went back. Minnie took a deep sigh and finally decided to get out of bed and get ready for the day. While heading to the bathroom she checks her phone to see if she has missed anything ~emails, texts, Facebook, etc~ with nothing interesting she puts her phone down on the windowsill and heads towards the shower to freshen herself up. Once she got in she let the water roll down her skin, thinking about things she shouldn't be thinking.

She started to feel the big scar that was left around her stomach, starting from the corner tracing it diagonally towards the other end of the scar. She did this every day. Reminding herself that she survived and that she wished she never had. It tore her into pieces that she couldn't attend university for months, almost a year. After her shower Minnie got ready, putting on her usual style and makeup and heading out towards hell as she calls it. This is such a pain, walking this long to get to uni is just stupid.. who would walk 30 minutes?! She hated the long walk but in reality she loved it. Letting the breeze of the fresh hair hit her face as she walks. She finally put her earphones in and starts blasting her music loudly and headed her way to campus.


9:30am ~first lecture of the day~ Minnie sits down in her usual spot near the back and takes everything out her bag that she needed and places it on the desk. Other students finally crowd in, making loud chatter while talking to friends, catching up, and finding their space to sit down before the lecture started. Why am I here exactly? She asks herself, from time to time she could see people whispering about her "she's that girl isn't she? Oh what happened to her was so terrible, I feel sorry for her" ~sigh~ Everyday this happened. Everyday she had to live with the fact that everyone knew what happened. She just wish that one day she would meet someone who didn't have a clue about her, had no clue what happened to her so she can start fresh. But at this rate, she couldn't see any hope.

"Earth to Minnie?? Are you there??" A sudden voice woke Minnie out of her day dream where she was faced with the only friend that's stayed by her side since the incident. Ella was her name, friends with Minnie since her high school days. Not only has she known Minnie the longest, she knew what Minnie used to be like. Minnie was kind, caring, always happy. The slightest little thing someone did she would giggle at it, if someone did something stupid she would laugh in hysterics. Ella loved her to pieces, she couldn't live a day with out her. Ever since that day Ella said to Minnie that she wasn't the same person as she used to be. And Minnie knew of course but when she told her, she just stared and smiled at her, she didn't want to say anything about it so she just sat there and smiled. It broke Ella's heart to see her like that but she had to put a brave face on of her own to show that after what happened hasn't effected her as well.

"What were you daydreaming about?" Ella asks Minnie, leaning on her hand giving a very interesting look towards her, waiting for a reply.

"Nothing, was just thinking how people can be so happy so early in the morning. I'm still half asleep right now.." Minnie answers still staring out in front of her, not looking at Ella once.

"Hmm, true that. But to be fair, I'm the same as them I just annoy you instead." Ella nudges her with her shoulder until she caved in and looked, giving her the biggest smirk anyone could give.

"You're weird" Minnie replies, rolling her eyes and looking to the front again.

"Morning everyone, please take a seat and we will begin with today's lecture" The professor came in, all guns blazing and getting started with the first lecture of the day.


Once the lecture was finished, Minnie packed everything away and waved goodbye to Ella before she set off to go get some coffee to keep her going through the day. Once outside she stood still and took a deep breath in and sighed out. I can tell that today is going to be a loooooong day... she thought to herself. Before she started to head off towards the cafe that was on campus, something caught her eye. A guy, someone she's never seen before is standing in the distance taking pictures of the flowers that were planted. The way he looked made Minnie in awe, she's never seen anyone so remarkably handsome as him before. He was just something else.

Wow... Next thing she knows, the guy realises that he was being watched so turned around to see Minnie staring at him, eyes fixated on each other, looking so intently. She started to hesitate after a few seconds staring into each others eyes so intently, she didn't know what to do, she panicked, she started to walk off but ended up tripping over her own foot, she knew she was going to make a fool of her self in front of him.. she was thinking how this was gonna make a great first impression. Not.

"Ow... It's always me who always makes a fool out of herself. For fuck sake..." Minnie mumbles to herself, trying to get back up from off the floor.

"Are you okay?"


AN~~ oooooo first chapter is done!! Hope you likeu

Please enjoy

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