Chapter 1

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Liza Pov

At first i didn't know i was a monster i found out when i killed my first . I loved him so much we were watching a movie at my house. I got up to make us sandwhiches, i grabed the knife and started cutting the tomatos. He was in the kitchen with me then everything turned red and i couldn't see anything. When my vision was finally clear he was on the floor dead there was blood everywhere but mostly on my hands and clothes. I killed him i dropped the knife and dropped to my knees. What do i do mom and dad will be here soon, I get up change i come back downstairs quickly and drag him outside to the dumpster and throw the knife in there too . I run back inside and clean everything up i wash my dress and sit back down on the couch. A few moments later mom and dad walk in
Mom: Hey sweetie
Dad: Hey honey
Liza: Hey mom, hey dad
Mom: Where is Anthony?
Liza: Oh he had to go
Mom: Oh ok well i'm going to bed i'm beat
Dad: Yeah i'm tired
Liza: Yeah i should be hitting the hay too
We walk up the stairs and i go into my room and lay in my bed silently.
Next morning
I get up and walk downstairs
Liza: Yes
Mom: Sweetie Anthony's mom said he never came home last night
Liza: Oh that's weird
I start sweating
Mom: Do you know anything
Dad comes running i
Dad: I found anthony
Mom: Oh good where
Dad: He's dead
Liza: What!!!
Mom: What!!!
Dad: Yeah a stab wound right in the chest
Liza: Omg
Mom: Wait one of our knifes are missing
Dad: I'm going for a run
Mom: Ok
Dad walks out the house
Mom: I just can't believe he is dead such a good boy who could have done this
Liza: I - i don't know
Mom: Why'd you stutter
Liza: I-i-i'm not stuttering
Mom: Oh my god liza
Liza: What
Mom: You killed him
Liza: No i didn't
Mom: Liza oh my god i feel sick
She walks upstairs
I follow her
She grabs the phone
Liza:who are you calling
Mom: The police
I reach for the phone but she pulls it away before i can she works her way down the steps. I'm grab hold of the phone, i tug at the phone
Mom: Liza let it go
Liza: No mom i won't let you
We keep pulling and tugging then mom looses grip and slips on a step and goes tumbling down the stairs and it's alot of stairs. When she makes it to the bottom her neck is twisted. I killed my mom i killed another person oh god i look at my hands they start shaking. Dad walks in he sees me at the top of the stairs then looks from mom to me. He runs to mom
Dad: What did you do
Liza: Daddy i didn't mean to it was an accident
Dad: Killing your mother is an accident killing an inoccent boy was an accident
Liza: Dad but i
Dad: STOP just just go to your room
I was shocked that daddy yelled at me he has never yelled at me i run to my room and cry in my pillow for hours
Then the door opens it was dad
Dad: The neighboors called the cops we need to go NOW
I sit up and grab my backpack and stuff all my stuff in it and run down the stairs. moms body was still by the stairs her eyes wide open i bend down and close them. I run to the garage and sit in the car a few minutes later dad gets in the car
Liza: Dad where are we going?
Dad: Somewhere far away from this place
Liza: Ok

We moved to 20 diffrent states because of me i killed all of my boyfriends in many diffrent ways. I don't know what it was that came over me, so i swore never to love again. Because every one that loved i was sure to kill, i remeber when we lived in colorado a lady called me a monster because i killed her son. My dad is still alive don't ask me how, we moved all the way to new york that was the last boyfriend i killed. Pushed him off the boat and he drowned he didn't know how to swim. We have to change our idenity and our apperances. I learned never to love again not even my own father i could never say i love you. Like the lady said i was a Monster.

End of first chapter

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