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Just seven months ago, in January of 2017, it seemed that the power of women was amplified. Millions of women took to the streets throughout various cities of our country to protests the rise of a man that threatened the rights of women across the nation. They protested assault and began preaching the power women could possess when they united. Slowly, sexual assault victims came out about their experiences, and those surrounding them supported each other and offered help and praise for their courage. Just when I was beginning to think the world was taking a tremendous leap of advancement, a woman, just like the rest of us, came to support a sexual assault victim, and was criticized for doing so, all because of the letters that make up her name. Taylor Swift donated $250,000 dollars to Ke$ha in respect and courteousness to her situation. Shortly thereafter, the same women that had taken to the streets just a few months earlier to support the union of women, were now bashing another woman for doing the same, simply because it's considered a trend to hate Taylor Swift. And it's as simple as that, that's where the red flag is and that's the overwhelming malfunction in the machine. How, tell me, can women unite when majority are still fixed on following the trend? Beside the name, Taylor Swift is an incredibly generous woman and is being bashed for supporting those in distress. You "die-hard feminists", tell me how that is feminism? How can women come together as one, when one is being criticized for doing good? The same woman was then in trial for being grabbed by the ass, and you still stay silent because of the name. You "die-hard feminists", your problem lies there. Feminism is about agreeing that all women never deserve to be treated as trash, but rather treasures. All women are entitled to their rights and should feel that so. All should deserve to feel as though they are worth it in this world. And you fail to recognize that. You fail to recognize Taylor Swift as a woman, by treating her as trash. Feminism is women. Not, women with exceptions here and there. Because then, you are showing that not all women deserve to be treated as treasures and human beings, and you are validating sexual assault. You are validating that action to certain women, which is far from feminism. So, you want a female future? Well, that future is far from here when majority of women are too naive and small minded to support and recognize all women, no matter the letters that make up their name.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2017 ⏰

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