Scene 1

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Kyle sat behind the stage, bored, thinking of his crush, Luke. He twiddled his fingers as he waited for the first scene to end. After the first scene was over, he would be able to talk to Luke.

Kyle was only a part of the running crew. He wanted an escape from sitting around. The only thing to keep his mind off of his boredom was Luke. He thought of Luke's chest. He'd seen it quite a lot. When they would swim it was wonderful. He got not only to see his crushes chest but he saw it wet. The best was when they had gym together. He would get to glance at almost all his body. Not stare, only in his dreams would he stare. He longed for the day he could comfortably stare at Luke's body, possibly even touch it.

People started to walk through the curtains. Scene one was finally over. That meant he could talk to Luke.

"Hey Luke!" Kyle excitedly called out in a quiet voice. He couldn't be too loud as he was backstage.
"What's up," Luke responded casually. "He was so cute," Kyle thought to himself. "So I don't have to do anything for running crew till next act, so we can talk for a while," Kyle suggested.
"Nothing till next act huh?" Luke questioned.
"Nope," Kyle said with a gleaming smile (oh god Kyle's possessed by the Holy Ghost again)
"Great then we'll have time," Luke said quickly, then grabbed Kyle's hand and began to walk speedily down the hallway before Kyle could even manage a sound.

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