Causing mayhem

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Y/n p.o.v
"Alright dealt with some pricks and a ungrateful bastard now I'm wondering if there's any other conduits around"
"Yeah come to think of it we haven't seen anyone with unnatural powers because that's the difference between us and semblances Y/n" "you're right Ladon but what kind of powers do we need I was thinking fire" "no besides you already have smoke which has the same effect as fire so maybe lightning" "yeah but not now let's cause some mayhem" "there's that big tower" "yes great idea" I turned around a corner and then I bumped a black with red at the end "oh sorry I didn't look where I was going I'm searching for-" "Ruby you don't reveal secret information to stranger"a white haired girl said to the girl now known as Ruby "sorry Weiss" "it's okay so I'm sorry for what you just witnessed mr?" "Call me Y/n no need for formality miss?" She looked at me with a surprised look "you don't know who I am?" "The juggernaut?" "I am Weiss Schnee heiress to the Schnee dust company" "well sorry if I didn't hear about you or your company I lived in vacuo my whole life" "but" "come on Weiss we have a mission" "oh I forgot sorry goodbye now" she said waving I waved back "she likes you" "psh how do you know?" "I can sense human emotion" "well that explains that but do you know why?" "I can sense human emotion not the reason why they feel that but if I had to take a guess I think it's because you don't know about her and the author demanded it" "yeah okay now shall we go to that tower" "well I was thinking we change to something much smaller like a movie studio" "ohhh I hated some producers because of you pay attention to there movies there's always a hint that they're discriminating Faunus" "yes I did pay attention but you didn't pay to enter those movies" "heh thank oum for air vents" "your damn right" "well shall we find one" "yes we shall there's a studio called Grimm pictures that's the movie we watched" "ironic they're even worse than Grimm" "how do you know" "ever since I met you Ladon" "aww you're making me blush" "wait really?" "Hell no you dolt!" "Hahahaha ok let's go find dick studious" "yeah let's go"

(Time skip brought to you by the author playing destiny while writing this this strike is so hard)
"Here we are Grimm studious let's smoke there ass" "if we can make enough damage we can cost them 100 million lien so I suggest a double big SNB but can we change the name because a nova bomb is a planet destroying explosion" "how about smoke nuke" "yeah that's better now would you please let me take control"
"Why?" "Cause you can't double it at your level I can unlock it as long as I'm in control when I give you back control it won't be there any longer" "*sigh* okay" I let Ladon take control.
Ladon p.o.v
Oh it's good to be in a body again not my original but let's just learn how to walk with two legs okay one two one two okay I got the hang of it now let's go to Grimm studious I charged Y/n's nuke smoke bomb and triple it I know I said double it but screw it he won't mind I launched myself in the air and I broke through the atmosphere and come back down I was flaming and
the place that is Grimm studious is no longer that just an apocalypse okay let's run away before the police come here I smoke dashed to the building the was closest then went to another building until I was far as I wanted to be and then I gave Y/n back his body.
Y/n p.o.v
I regained control of my body
"So did it go well" "more than that it's like a fallout there" "great let's fin an inn to sleep at" and by that we went to find an inn
Ozpin p.o.v
"DAMN IT" I shouted as slammed the table "calm down ozpin" "how can I be calm glynda while innocents out there being terminated" "glynda's right oz calm down" "qrow since when where you here?" "Long enough to tell you that ironwood is in the elevator" he said taking a sip of whatever is In that
And as Qrow said ironwood came from the elevator "do you know how many innocents have died by that one explosion the only thing I can think of is three nukes came down from the atmosphere to that studio" "ironwood I know you're angry I am too but as I and Glynda told Ozy here calm down" Qrow said as calm as he is "how are you still calm after all this huh if we don't find the culprit we might see beacon fall as we just lay back here calm" "listen ironwood since you want to catch this culprit what do you think we can do cause that looks like the work of a conduit how can you catch a conduit who can disingrate himself and come out of the smallest crack on a wall" "how do you know that oz" "well let's just say that I have studied smoke ever since that day on vacuo Qrow" "well whatever this meta human is doimg needs to stop now I am sick of this who knows he might attack mistril next" "ironwood if you keep up this attitude towards the situation at hand the conduit is four steps ahead of us" "Glynda stand down it's between me and the general here" "thank you Ozpin now this bio terrorist is killing innocent people left and right and we don't know how to counter it so what do you think we can do" "all we can do is wait for this conduit to strike another place until we figure out what he is trying to do or what he wants" "so you'd rather have these people die rather than stopping the problem at its core" "the only way to do that is preventing the big explosions that happened five years ago on every region tell me do you have a time machine,no,then we can't destroy every conduit in every region you'd need the worlds greatest detective to find them" "grr okay I'll let you have it this once but if this goes on longer than we expect then I'm going to take matter into my own hands now I shall take my leave" "goodbye ironwood" Qrow and Glynda looked at me "you two are dismissed" as I said that they went but before Glynda goes to the elevator she said "I really hope you know what you're doing" by that she went
I hope I know what I'm doing to but you can't predict human actions

--------------------the end-----------------
Mhmm that is a wrap now as you all may noticed who will be the electricity wielding conduit well I don't know I thought of making you the conduit there will be three more conduits so if you want to be that conduit say the word and I'll be here to serve oh and I will not be posting on these specific days Saturday,Monday and Wednesday
Cause I have Thai boxing training on these days and by that goodbye and remember

Infamous conduit M!reader x RWBY (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now