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Flashes of light burst around her. She struggles to keep her eyes open, but the darkness is enveloping her senses. Muffled noises, screams and yells of human, faunus, and grimm alike. In the darkness she sees her friend, on the ground in pain. A masked man stands over her, standing out in the darkness with a white grimm mask. He smirks as they make eye contact, and he turns back to the girl beneath him, driving a blade into her side. Slowly he pulls the blade back out, and while sheathing it he turns to her, the new arrival, who screams. The darkness around her recedes against her rage. As her hair sprays out in glowing golden strands, she charges forward in a fury. She swings out, but was surprised that no contact was made as her momentum flings her past him. In that instant, faster than she could see, he had drawn his blade. She felt disconnected, like something was wrong, and for a brief moment could see her own arm drifting away from her body. "No way..." She crumpled to the ground, and the darkness took her.


Blake woke up, and for a brief moment was numb, almost happy. On reflex she stretched out, and in that instant, the pain and trauma of the previous few days rushed back to her as her side screamed out. Blinking she lifted the covers slightly, and could see gauze had been wrapped around her waist. Something had ripped open when she stretched, and crimson began to stain the bandages.

"Now now, that won't do. I can't have my patients constantly reopening their wounds." A redheaded women approached, and the color of her hair struck another brief cord, causing Blake to flinch again. Even before the chaos took the school, they'd lost a friend. Her eyes turned glossy as the memory took over. "I'm going to have to check this wound again, see if you tore the stitches or not." Blake turned away and tried to get out of the bed, but the pain slowed her movements. The doctor shook her head, pushing Blake back down, and as much as she tried, Blake lacked the strength to fight back. Still though, there was no reason for her to stay. She would be fine, and had no desire to be a burden, but the doctor wouldn't let her go. As Blake finally lay still, the doctor began to unravel the bandages around her waist.

"What happened, how is everyone? Did everyone make it?" Blake faced the doctor, if she was going to be kept here she could at least get answers. She almost couldn't find the ability to stop asking questions once she'd started, there was so much she needed to be sure of.

The doctor's face gave way to emotion for a second, and she paused, bandages only partly unraveled, before adjusting her glasses and smiling back. The pain was still in her green eyes, but she simply shook her head as she continued to unravel the bandages. Blake looked away again, the reaction telling her all she needed to know, and tears began to well. It was all her fault; this was because of the White Fang. If she has been stronger, if there was more she had done, maybe lives could have been saved. Maybe she could have saved the people of Vale, the other students at the school. Maybe she could have saved her friends.

"Where is she? I have to know!" The door slammed open and medical personnel rushed to block the intruder. A few other patients lifted their heads, Blake caught a glimpse of Nora and Ren across the medical room, their beds on either side of one another. They were looking towards the ruckus, bandaged and confused.

"Mr. Arc, you've already been treated for your wounds, and your aura will keep you sustained. This room is only for those injuries that need extra medical help, please get out." The doctor assisting Blake had approached Jaune, and was attempting to push him out. He struggled hard, looking around the room in a panic. He looked to Nora and Ren, with almost a crazed smile as he started yelling to them.

"She made it back right? Nora? Ren? Where's Pyrrha! I can't find her anywhere!" Blake turned to face the two, concern sweeping over her, and their expressions told the entire story as they each looked away, Nora bit her lip, fighting back tears. Jaune stopped struggling, as did those trying to restrain him, and everyone seemed to freeze.

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