Robin (Teen Titans) X Reader (one shot)

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I do not own Teen Titans , Robin or you. I only own the plot

You were sitting on a bench. The wind was chilly, but in a good way. You looked up into the sky to see the stars shining brightly. Why were you on the edge of a building in the middle of the night you may wonder. Well you were waiting for you best friend.


You were eating a bowl of (favorite type of cereal) when your phone lit up. It was your Robin. You smiled and clicked the message.

Robin: Hey

(Y/N):Hey :) Whats up

Robin: Oh um nothing. Will you meet me at the park? I have something important to tell you

(Y/N): ya what time

Robin: 12 AM

(Y/N): eh, why so late

Robin: Will you be there or not

(Y/N): I'll be there.

Robin: k thanks. bye

(Y/N): Bye?


You groaned to yourself. Why did he want to meet this late? What could have been so important that you had to come to a park at 12 am and why wasnt he here yet? You snapped out of your thoughts when you felt a pair of hands snake around you. You jumped only to see Robin standing behind you. You instantly started blushing, ya you have a huge crush on your best friend. Of course he would never see you that way, he liked Starfire. You jumped out of his arms.

"Took you long enough" you said.

"Ya sorry" Robin answered putting his hand behind his neck. You were staring at him causing him to clear his throat. Your eyes went wide and you began to blush again. Thank god it was dark.

"So... what did you want to talk about" you asked.

"oh um.." he sat down on the bench. You cocked your head to the right looking at your friend. You always wanted to know what went on in his head but he never shared his emotions. He just stated he wasnt good at doing that.

"Y/N, I-i've wanted to tell you this for a long time, and im hoping it doesnt ruin our friendship." You looked at your masked friend with curious eyes. He looked down at you and sighed.

"I've always had a crush on you. I shrugged it off thinking you wouldnt like me back."

You grabbed your friends hand. "Robin I've always liked you, but I was positive you liked Star" Robins mask widened in shock.

"no I always liked you, Starfire is just a close friend" You smiled and sqeezed Robins gloved hand.

"Y/N so... would you like to be my girlfriend?" You jumped out of the seat and squeeled in excitment.

"Yes. I have been waiting so long to hear that question." you responded. Robin let out a releived sigh. He got up out of his chair.

"Y/N thank you so much. You have no idea how happy I am." You smiled and slightly blushed.

"Follow me" your masked boyfriend said taking hold of your hand. You followed him to a part of the park that had a blanket set up. He laid down on the blanket jesturing for you to do the same. You laid down next to him and stared at the stars. You to shared small talk along with the ocasional "im so happys" and more stuff like that. You pulled out your phone to check the time. It was 3 am. Your eyes widened and you sprung up. Robin looked at you with worry.

"Whats wrong?" he said standing up grabbing your hand.

"nothings wrong its just 3 am and I have to get home." Robin frowned a little and offered to take you home. You declind his offer cause you lived only 2 minuets away from the park. You said your good byes. You even had the courage to kiss him on the cheek. You began to walk home thinking of all the events that took place. You finally arived home and changed. Once you were changed you laid in bed and began to think of Robin untill you fell asleep.


This was my first Fan fic so im sorry if it sucks /.\

Robin (Teen Titans) X Reader (one shot)Where stories live. Discover now