Chapter 1

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Indias pov

"Hay pewds what are we doing today" I ask "India we are hiding from the L.A side so stay hear"
I shigh "ok" this YouTube battle has going for years but I'm in both sides I walk to my room and get my jumper I climb out the window I start walking around i just want this war to stop I go to Joeys house and knock on the door "oh hay India" Shane said.The L.A leader is Liza and the England side leader is phil "hay i need to talk to you" the door opens wider "sure what's up" I walk in

"What was your past Shane"

Shane's pov

"What was your past Shane"

I froze I grabbed her hand and walked India to the couch and I broke down crying

(I know Shane isn't British but it's for the story)

-flash back-

"Oh look it's that fag Shane he is so fat and ugly your such a bitch" a boy said to me I started to cry I ran to my house and grabbed my razor and cut my arm I cried "ugh that's it" I get up walk to my room grab the plane ticket and my suitcase and headed to the airport


India hugged me I hugged and cried in her shoulder "it's ok Shane it's ok" I calm down from her voice I had a crush on her ever since I met her "Shane I have something to tell you" I nod she pulled down her sleeve and thair was cuts I hugged her at least she had the same problem

India pov

I showed Shane my scars and he hugged me he is the person that I can trust but I don't know if I can trust him for being in both sides "I should get going" I say Shane nods "bye Shane I love you" I mumble the last part I run to dan and phils house I knock on the door but I hear a moan " least I made phan happen" I smiled "fuck....right thair dan" I froze when I herd that "shit I'm going t puke" I run out and run to a near by bathroom "shit" I mumble "India" a voice says I walk out the stool to se marzia "oh-um do you know when I made phan a thing" she nods "well I herd them have sex and I kinda puked" I fiddle with my fingers "oh" I wash my face and I walk out the bathroom i was walking along the side walk and I see Liza and morgz fighting I start to run so thay don't reconnaissance me I run into a forest "fuck fuck" I was looking down

I trip over a rock and I landed on top of someone I see cristian at the bottom and I just realized my lips where on his (I know cliśe) I quickly get up and blush of embarrassment cristian blush like a tomato "s-sorry" I slutter "um....I kinda liked it" cristian replies I get up and run I run back pewdiepies and my house and no we aren't dating I climb trough the window and slide of my jumper I walk out to see pewds with roomie "hay roomie and pewds" I walk to the fridge and get a can of coke a go back to my room and I fall asleep

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