Nate's and Alex's lil chapter XD

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Hey guys and gals here is the bonus chapter I promised so


Nate's pov

me and alex just walked around town and she was still chuckling at what she did just 20minutes ago. 'gosh her laugh is cute' I thought but that was interrupted by alex grabbing my hoodie and pulling me out of the way of a speeding motorcycle

she got me to the sidewalk and she flicked me in the head "dum dum watch where your walking" she playfully scolded

"heh heh ok" I responded


we walked a little bit more until we got a veiw of a pet store.  "animals!" alex shrieked and zoomed off to the door

we entered the store and we looked at all kinds of animals.  what was also cool is you got to hold every pet. alex picked up a snake and it rapped around her arm

"no" I simply said and I put the snake back then we moved on to hamsters, turtles, birds, ducklings, then we got to some animals that caught alex eye. she looked at the price then at me (I kept hold of the money) "nuh uh no way" I stated

"pwease nathan" she said using my full name "grr fine but if I get chewed out by pewds you are stepping in front" I gave in

"yes!!" she cheered and then she grabbed the animals and the things they needed

we paid then left the store before we opened the door alex kissed my cheek and she scurried ahead of me, I blushed while smiling then I sighed 'I hope pewds likes an iguana and a chameleon' I hoped then we walked home holding hands.

Awww hoped you liked my lil chapter and lets hope pewds accepts is baby sister's pets

*lil brofist& lil cryfive*

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