chapter 13

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Skylars POV

being around Cameron made me want to scream. in a good way. he always found a way to make me happy. plus, I've fangirled over him Sooo many times. I even have a fanfic for him... but that's a diffrent story. when we were at the amusement park, and he helped me I realized that he would always be there for me. yeah I know, sounda crazy right. but after I threw up, he helped me to the water fountain and then kissed me! with a nasty mouth! how wierd. in a good way. it wasn't a tounge involving kiss, but still. he's amazing.

we walked inside and I was stuffed from eating so many fries. I was pretty happy with my weight. I'm about 127 pounds. but I guess I look okay. I don't really worry. but the fact that there is a 52 pound diffrence between Carmen and I is what scared me. that's a whole 6 year old child! that's a lot. like.. a lot. but I wasn't thinking that I was over weight, there were a lot of girls our age who weighed what I did. I just wanted carmen to notice that too. she was starting to look unhealthy. plus she was starting to get really drowsy and lazy. I knew it was because she was tired from lack of nutrients.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Cameron picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I realized that Carmen was also in the air, but on taylors back. I started to laugh and I started hitting camerons back.

"put me down you nimcompoop!" Taylor and Cameron threw us down on cams living room couch. I looked over at Carmen who was also laughing.

"we have a very important question for you girls."

"well what is it you brain farts?" I said placing my hand on my hip. Carmen and o giggled. we were both in a giggly mood.

"okay, if you could stop the name calling. we can tell you." Cameron said smirking. I sighed.

"fine, you d-" Carmen clamped her hand over my mouth and said "continue please". I licked her fingers and she hit me while squealing.

"you two are like 4 year old children. anyway," Taylor started "we have to go to magcon in a few days, and we were wondering of you two wanted to tag along."

"YES YES YES YES YES" I screamed. I had dreamed about this moment and read imagines about it and now its happening and there is no time for hiding my excitement because it cannot be held.

everyone looked at me and bursted out laughing. "I take that as a yeah" taylor said throughout breaths. I nodded while blushing. what am I doing, I don't blush. blushing is for pussies. of course if I was going that means carmen had to go so she was also coming.

once all the laughter died down, we all just pulled out our phones and got on Twitter. Carmen was softly whimpering. probably more hate. I grabbed her arm and her phone and dragged her upstairs. yes, of course I let the guys know where we were going.

I shut the door behind me and locked it. "okay, this is getting freaky." she said while laughing. I laughed lightly so it wouldnt be awk.

"babe, you have to change. we are going to be sharing a room with 12 people, you can't keep this up. somebody is going to notice you not eating, other than Taylor and I. someone is going to randomly pick up an iPhone thinking that its their own and go to Twitter. delete your account. now. we can make you a new one." I placed my hand on my hip and leaned slightly to the side.

when I reached for her phone she pulled away. she just stared at me with this look. she looked confused. "how'd you know I was on Twitter?"

"because you sounded like a lost puppy in the rain. you aren't as sneaky as you think you are."

"uuugggghhhh" she threw me her phone and went to her bed. I walked up to her, after deactivating her account, and rubbed her back. "this is the start of your recovery. now we just need you to eat something."

"oh no, your taking huge steps and I'm not ready to take any."

I gave her the look. she groaned. "what's for dinner, boss."


Carmens POV

I am going to eat this slice of pizza because I like pizza, I want to be healthy, and I want to be happy. I repeated that sentance 47 times in my head before I picked up the slice. mmm its floppy. floppy pizza is the best.

skylar and Taylor started at me. little innocent cam, didn't even know what was happening. I smiled at the thought. I was putting the pizza in a weird rotation, my lips almost in my mouth and back to my plate. this was harder than I thought.

I brought the slice to my lips and closed my eyes. I took a bite and slowly chewed until it was all gone. then I opened my eyes and smiled brightly. Taylor and sky started freaking out. taylor ran over to me and started spinning me around. sky was screaming and spinning around. I laughed and slid back down into my seat. I had forgotten how good pizza tasted. I finally found a way to eat without stopping. I just thought of This moment. how happy my friends were to find out that I was on my way to recovery.

after eating TWO WHOLE SLICES! I settled down and Decided to make all new accounts bc my old ones were filled with so much hate. I made a new Twitter, instagram, tumblr, and mobli. Taylor and Cameron and skylar helped me.

I started thinking about people who had helped me over the years. there was thus one guy named jack in elementary school. we hung out everyday and he always stood up for me. I had a slight crush on him, but of course we would never date each other. I highly doubt he would he one of the jacks in magcon. he was way too dorky.

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