TWICE ♥ Signal English version

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  Trying to let you know
Sign to send signal
I must let you know
Sign to send signal

Sign to send signal
Sign to send signal
Sign to send signal
I must let you know

Sign to send signal
But not at all
I send a glance and notice.
But I do not get it.
I'm crazy because I'm stifling
I do not know why.
I will try again.
Sign to send signal

No gestures, no gestures, no expressions
It's no use.
I do not think I have any coaches.
How do I express my heart anymore
When is it that I like you
I'm starting to get fooled.
Why I do not know my heart
When so dull
I will treat you as a friend
That's not what I want.
Send Signal Send Signal

Thick Thick Thick Thick
I want you I want you
Why is there no response?
Whenever you meet
Thick Thick Thick Thick
You wait.
Why do not you know
Trying to let you know
Sign to send signal
I must let you know
Sign to send signal

I'll see you when I smile.
I smile at you for the second time
I should feel a little more talking.
I'm staying with you.

When is it that I like you
I'm starting to get fooled.
Why I do not know my heart
When so dull
I will treat you as a friend
That's not what I want
Send Signal Send Signal

Thick Thick Thick Thick
I want you I want you
Why is there no response?
Whenever you meet
Thick Thick Thick Thick
You wait.

Why do not you know
Thick Thick Thick Thick
Why is there no response?
Thick Thick Thick Thick
Why do not you know
Sign to send signal

But not at all
I send a glance and notice.
But I do not get it.
I'm crazy because I'm stifling
I do not know why.
I will try again.
Sign to send signal

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