A\N / Update

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AN:So recently I really haven't been posting stuff and I really want too but there is something called a writers block so I've been doing other stuff such as watch anime and YouTube, drawing and trying to think of ideas for oneshots also trying to hang out with my older sibling because they are going to college.

Okay update part: so this next week I will be going to SunRiver which is going too be long and tiring we're going there 'cause of my soccer turniments. Also I be manly swimming the whole time so yea

Sorry for all of this but one more thing that IS VERY Important

Sorry for all of this but one more thing that IS VERY Important

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If you can not read this it says

'So it has been brought too my attention that a Vietnamese website is steeling books off of Wattpad without permission an is starting to upload them to their website
If you own a book,make this a chapter'
So I recommend too make this a chapter!
And you guys might or might not know I DO NOT DO LEMONS OR LIMES I DON'T FEEL SORRY FOR THE
That is all for now my kits!

               Mekura Sol Flame Oceans
And my dearest friend      Glitch
P.S I will add my friend too this account as soon as school gets back in season! ^w^ That's all boiiiiii

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