Getting Ready

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I wrote this same story on a different account that I got logged out of but this is now my main account. Enjoy!

Barry's POV:
I have been out of the Speedforce for about a month now and Iris and I haven't had a single night to ourselves, to just relax and be together. That changes tonight. I woke early and made Iris the perfect breakfast. Today was her day off so I knew she'd want to sleep in, but I still thought I'd make sure there was food ready for her when she did get up.

After breakfast, we headed over to STAR Labs and went through the everyday routine down there. You know, fight some bad meta-humans and save some innocent people, the usual.

Finally the day was ending and it was time that Iris and I headed home, but before we left I stopped Iris and asked her the long over-due question,
"Hey Iris, can I ask you something really quick?"
"Yeah, of course Barr, what's up?" she asked, slightly confused.
"Would you like to go home and relax together and just have a night to ourselves to be a couple? We can have one of our late nights in bed like we used to before...."
Iris knew exactly what I was gonna say so she stopped me before I finished. "Barry Allen, I thought you'd never ask." A huge smile drew across her face.
All I could think to myself was that I haven't seen that beautiful, big smile in a long time, and just thinking of that made me smile too.

Iris' POV:
After Barry asked me about tonight, he rushed us home so we could change into our appropriate attire, sweatpants and baggy t-shirts. Then Barry ordered some pizza and ran to the store to get a copy of my favorite movie and some ice cream! Finally the night could begin! We both plopped down on the couch and just snuggles together. I always felt so safe when I was in his arms. I already knew that I never wanted this night to end.
"I'm really glad we're doing this." I whispered to Barry as I snuggled deeper into his shoulder.
"Me too." Barry kissed the top of my head and I didn't even have to look up to know that he was smiling. "I love you, Iris." He said to me gently.
"I love you too, Barry." Slowly, I started to drift off the sleep, feeling safe and warm in the comfort of the man I love's arms.

*The next chapter will be posted soon. I really hope you enjoyed the first one!*

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