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mum are you freaking crazy I am only 19 how can you all think of marrying off to me someone I don't know. There are so many things I want to explore to do and obtain. In my wildest dream I can't even think of marrying, even my study is incomplete and that guy I don't even know him. how can I marry him when I don't know a single thing about him. we are living in 21st century how can you even think of arrange marriage. sweetheart I know but you have to think about the old guy who is at the door of death and its his last wish. just think of the pain that his family has been going through. But how can it's my responsibility. he's your grandpas friend. Think about what your grandpa has been feeling that he can't fulfilled the promise he gave to him years ago. the guilt and the depression about his dear friend and his wishes that he can't keep. we are not forcing you but just think about you as like, if your Grandpa was in bed rest and it's his last wishes that time did you also speaked like this. please give me a day to think about it. my head is going to explode. I know sweetheart just give it a little time and when u have  decision please notified us.

Do you think she is going to say yes. I don't know Kathi, she is one of the adventurous one and  known for her tantarum and mischievious behaviour I really wish she could say yes but that little girl don't have to go through all of this. I will speak with my father in law and try to console him that they are still so much younger to marry off. August was not also happy with this but he gave his consent after seing his grandpa condition. such a poor boy have to go through all of this in this age.I wish that he just have recovered and we have to stop all of this. yeah I also hope for same then my little girl will be happy.

are you ok? John I am not in a mood of this. hey I know you are in a bad mood but  why are you angry at me. I'm not at fault for this. I am not angry at you. just I am angry at myself because  I don't know what to do. I can't really forfeit a dying man wish. I know sissy but you have to know what grandpa wants and what you really want to do. you don't have to this if u don't want
then you will find your decision.yeah little Rat I know. but mits can you help me with the assignment. I am really at the edge of no options. Is it best time to think about your assignment when I am really depressed. yup sister I know but what can I do, tomorrow is the last day of submitting  assignment. see I am really at the edge of no options. bring ur books and pen and i will suggest you some topics then you can write it yourself.ok sweetie. don't call me sweetie. I need to speak with the boy and have to know what he really wants then only I can make this work.I have to talk with aunt Kathy to tell her to give me his son's number but is it will be OK.ugh, don't know but this is the best option I have left with.

aunt Kathy can you please give me your house number I need to speak something and clear mines confusion. ok sweetheart. what with this sweetie and sweetheart after mentally cursing myself that why they have to use this word that i really hate of. this is August number call him when you are ready. hello, is this August. yeah, who are you?  I am mits. I was your neighbours when you were in seattle and soon to be your wife. oh, you are her. speak. hey you don't have to  talk that much rudely, I also don't want to speak with you, just don't have any option, you know. so that's  why I called. so why did you say yes in marriage if you had said no then it would be much easier to deal off. I tried my best but when I see my grandpa I didn't had any option left but you can say no and it will be over. I know but after thinking  about your Grandpa, I don't think it will be right to do but I have a better plan. we can get married but after one year have a divorced saying it didn't work or we will not register our marriage then you and I both can  be happy and we will not have any problem. we can live our life as we want to be when there are no more obligation left. Where did you find this silly Idea. hey I know this can be sound silly but it will be worked off. are you really that much dumb minded that you think life is like a teen fiction and parents would that much silly to left out registration and give permission to us live together. if first plan can not be done, then we can take action of second part.we will filled for divorce after being in a marriage for one year. it's not really good plan but still much better than nothing . so see u at ceremony. yup see u soon.

grandpa, I have my decision. I will help you to fulfille your promise but if the marrige don't really work then we can file for divorce. thanks a lot little one.u have done me huge favor. I can do anything for u grandpa.I know little one. let's prepare for ceremony then. we have so much thing to u. But firstly I have to call tom and give him the good news that finally we can fulfille our promise that we gave to each others years ago.

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