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This is just my short story for my English Literature course :P Not the best, but I tried my best. I wanted to give the sense of paranoia and that what Hannah was saying was confusing but you could see that she wasn't mentally stable. My English teacher told me that it's too repetitive, but I've tried to make it so she is moving at super sonic speed.



Why is she staring? She always stares. I don't know why but it makes me feel uncomfortable. Miss Reid has a problem with me, she won't leave me alone, there's something wrong, and I can sense it.

"Hannah, carry on with your work please". That's exactly what I mean, she always singles me out from the rest, I was doing my work but I looked up because I could feel her evil eyes on me. This girl Amy is staring at me, I don't understand what everyone is looking at. Miss Reid is looking at me again, my friends find it funny to laugh about it and say that she is stalking me, I know something isn't right.

Someone threw a ball of paper at me, it was my best friend Clarissa behind me, I laughed and threw it back.

"Hannah, detention after school". Why is she doing this? Why is she singling me out? I didn't do anything other than concentrate on my work! I heard this girl in front of me laughing and talking about me,

"She's such a freak, she should be in a special school or something". I hate everyone in this class, Miss Reid is looking again. I'm scared, I didn't want to be alone with her. I can feel myself getting sweaty, I can feel myself hyperventilating and becoming claustrophobic.

"Hannah? Hannah, you alright?" I looked up to see Miss Reid standing there, why was she standing so close to me?

"You fainted Hannah". I faint a lot, but she had done something to me, I can tell, I knew something wasn't right. She has drugged me, I got up quickly, feeling my head spin I stumbled a little and Miss Reid caught me.

"Don't touch me" I screamed! I didn't want someone who had just poisoned me to touch me! Why was she trying to be nice after she had drugged me? It was a game, I knew it, she was trying to keep me sweet for detention tonight and then she was going to hurt me, or murder me.

"Hannah I've called for the nurse" I don't know the school nurse, she could be anyone. She could be one of Miss Reid's friends trying to hurt me, I bet that's who she has planned my murder with. I've got to get out of here. I ran out of the class, I could hear her shouting me from her room, as her voice was getting distant I stopped and hid in the cloak rooms, I don't have a lesson now anyway, I had to be far away as possible from that woman, but I had to stay in school just in case she predicted I would run out and had one of her people waiting outside, I had to think ahead. This boy walked past me, he was looking at me like I was a mass murderer, and if anyone is a murderer it's Miss Reid. I'm going to have to say something, I can't hold it in anymore, I mean I can't let a sociopath walk around these corridors with children, it's not right. I ran to the headmaster's office, I barged in there slamming the door against the wall.

"Miss Reid is a murderer! She's coming for me, I know it!"

"Hannah, sit down!" Miss Reid was shouting now, why was she shouting? Why was everyone looking at me? I was sitting here doing my work quietly, this bully behind me, Clarissa was talking about me.

"No wonder she has no friends, she's having one of her episodes again!" the whole class laughed, why are they laughing? It's so difficult to fit in around here!

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