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March 11th, 1972
This is the time the humans invaded. Everything was peaceful and calm among those who roamed the forest. Not a single human for miles. Until one day. A man of the name Logan Tyler, a greedy and rich man, bought the land and decided to build a camp, to make even more money. The creatures that claimed the forest as there home, were upset with his decision. The creatures began to go into hiding as the camp began to expand. It took a whole year to build the camp. Every so often a new person would join the team that was building the camp. One day, the humans didn't show up. All of the creatures came out from hiding, all of the creatures were relieved, but not for long. The very next day, humans came. They were not the same humans though, they were much smaller, but there were more of them. The creatures, had had enough. Most of them fled, to find a new place where they could roam free. Though, some stayed behind. Some of them stayed because they couldn't part with their beloved home, but some of them stayed to get revenge on the humans.

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