The Beginning

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1. —(1) There shall be constituted on accordance with Schedule The Advisory 1 to this Act an Advisory Council on the Use and the Possession of Drugs (in Council [...]

(2) It shall be the duty of the Advisory Council to keep under review the situation in the United Kingdom with no respect to drugs wich are being or appear to them likely to be used and of with the sole possession of them constitute a social problem. The sole possession of those and the mere connection to a person in use or in possession of drugs is strongly prohibited and is punished with execution.

(3) It shall be the duty of the Advisory Council to establish an organisation solely devoted to the act of seeking out and executing those who are in possession, in use of drugs or are connected to / in contact with a person who is likely to be in possession or in use of drugs as listed in (4). There shall be no boundaries of privacy in detecting the use and possession of drugs.

(4) It shall be the duty of the Advisory Council to keep the list of the materials and substances which fall within the category "drug and substance with an anaesthetic effect" updated. Exceptions to substances with an anaesthetic effect are substances used in official royal clinics for the sole purpose of medication or surgery.

Under the category "drug and substance with an anaesthetic effect" fall the following materials and substances:

• Amphetamines; also referred to as: speed, whizz

• Alprazolam; also referred to as: Xanax

• Cocaine; also referred to as: Coke, white, snow, charlie

• Codeine;

• Ecstasy/MDMA; also referred to as: XTC, MD, mandy, molly

• [...]

• Cannabis; also referred to as: weed, dope, grass, hash, Mary J., Bob Hope,...

Louis squinted at the flickering screen of his phone, reading over the notification send out by the parliament when there were any law alterations, or in this case another drug added to the infinite ongoing list of drugs.

Stan leaned back on his chair, balancing on only two already creaking legs, about to tip over and barely keeping his balance.

"Anything new?" His voice was muffled by the joint between his lips, exhaling a puff of smoke while he spoke, eyes rimmed red and unfocused.

His phone, as well as Louis', had given off a loud dinging sound as the notification from the parliament came in. All over the country people were likely to receive in a way the news that there was another drug on the list.

With furrowed eyebrows Louis scanned the list again, searching for the bold letters marking the addition. He nodded shortly when he found it, taking another deep drag from his own joint, resting casually between his finger, before he cared to answer.

"Yeah." He nodded slowly, eyes glazed over in a drug induced haze. "They've finally put weed on the list."

With a kind of boredom he could only list when he's been smoking for hours, he blew the smoke out and watched it linger in the room, clouding it like some weird kind of strange smelling fog.

Years ago a wave of drugs had rolled over Britain leaving the Queen and the Parliament desperate for a way to regain prevalence over the cause. Apparently the only solution that came to their mind was putting drugs under the punishment of execution. They were only partly successful tho. Apart from dead bodies as a resolution of an overdose, now dead people with a tiny hole, only noticeable when you took a closer look, right between their eyes littered the streets.

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