the bittersweet love

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"Are you waiting for him ?"

Donghyuck turned around and chuckled at the person who was walking to him with a glass of pink champagne in his hand, holding it with his soft fingers gently.

"Who else i would wait for ?"

Mark stopped beside donghyuck and gave his old friend a kinda fake kinda sincere smile.

"True. But he won't come here you know"

Donghyuck sighed and sipped from his glass slowly "i know. But you know what they say "hope is the treasure of poor""

Mark chuckled and placed his glass on the table.

"You will never stop trying to get him, will you ?"

"I had been trying to get him for 8 years. I never gave up even when he told me about how much he loves jeno or when he said they are dating. Does this answer your question ?"

Mark hummed as the answer. It was answering his question.

"They will marry."

Donghyuck almost dropped his glass but mark's hand on his own stopped him.

"W-when ?" Donghyuck's voice sounded dry when he talked.

"Probably next month" mark said and took the glass out of donghyuck's hand and placed it beside his own.

"H-he never told me..." donghyuck said, choking on his words.

"They planned it pretty new actually. Jeno proposed him 2 weeks ago and jaemin's answer was jumping on him and kissing him till they both choked cause of the lack of oxygen"

Donghyuck chuckled. A dry, fake chuckle.

"You sound like a fanfiction writer"

"You read them ?" Mark asked, rising his right eyebrow in an interested way

Donghyuck just shrugged his shoulders "xiuhan is life"

Mark laughed so hard that the table that was touching his arm shakened.

"I love how you pretend like jaemin and jeno marrying dosen't hurt you so god damn much"

Donghyuck laughed back but they both knew these laughters meant something so different than feeling joy.

"Jaemin had always told me i should've be an actor. Cause i'm pretty good at acting."

"He was right. Even he, himself didn't notice your literal heart eyes whenever you looked at him."

Donghyuck's chuckle was so bitter that the sweet taste of champagne in mark's tongue also turned into a bitter taste.

"He knew. He always knew. Just acted like he didn't know. So he won't be have to deal with it."

Mark couldn't say anything for a while. Cause everyone always knew donghyuck was in love with jaemin but no one knew jaemin also knew that too.

"Maybe he should've be an actor. He is a lot better than me."

"I...never knew"

Donghyuck shrugged his shoulders again "no one did. Except he and me"

"Did he know know"

Donghyuck smiled at mark "yeah. He knew i'm in love with him when you two started dating."

"You know i didn't know you love him that time right ?"

Donghyuck laughed and put his hand on mark's shoulder "oh mark. You don't have to lie to me. I know you never liked me back then. There was a reason why you never told me when you two go out. There was a reason why you said he is resting at home whenever i called him. Right ?"

pink champagneDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora