Chapter 6

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All week its just been Mason and I . We went to the cabin and swam at the lake. He took me on so many dates bought me flowers everyday. It was all out of guilt probably love too but mostly guilt. He was suppose to leave today but today is the two weeks . We both had to know if I was really pregnant. I had Tori bring me a test while Mason was out.

We were in my room waiting I pee on the stick soon as she gave it to me . I was so nervous my hands were shaking. Tori's timer went off so, we look at each other.

"Its time." She said.

I got up and went into the bathroom. Tori watched me as I took a deep breathe and picked up the stick. My eyes got wide and I smirked.

"Well what does it say?" She asked.

" Not pregnant."

In that moment my body felt with relief. Then Mason came in my room without knocking.

"What's going on here?" He asked.

"I'm not pregnant."

Mason came up to me and looked at the test.

" A store bought test really Ally. I made an appointment for you to see a actual doctor so we can really be sure. Its in a hour so, will you please get dressed now?"


"Ally imma go okay? Keep me updated."Tori said.

I scurried over to her and hugged her . We smiled at one another as we let go.

"I will. Thank you."

" Always."

When she left out I washed up and got changed. While Mason was on his phone with school. He was about to be so busy. I felt sad thinking about it I watching him in my mirror as I brushed my hair.

There was a hunk outside.

"That's the car babe." I said.

"Right, look i gotta go. Just email it to me okay, thanks."

He hung up the phone . We both got up and he held my hand . Then we walk out the hall down the steps to and outside into the car. I tapped my foot nervously so,Mason put his hand on my tight.

I look at him and smiled. I pulled his face to mine an we kissed. Mason start to kiss me down my neck.Then the car stopped roughly.

"Sorry sir, drop off lane." The driver said.

"You're fine we can walk in thank you George." Mason replied

Mason got out and helped me out .The clinic was right the literally the doors were infront of me five more steps. I wanted to run the other way but, Mason had a tight grip on my arm.

I took a deep breath and we walked in. Mason took care of everything all I had to do was give her my name, date of birth, and my social. Then we sat and waited for a little bit.

"Hall," The doctor called.

We walked with the doctor an went in a room. First she took some blood.  Then she gave me cup and took me to the bathroom. Mason stayed in the room. I wanted to cry I was scared even though the other test said I wasn't I started to want it. I peed in the cup and put it in the metal box.

I went back in the room with Mason. I laid on the bed and he held my hand. There was like this lor machine on the other side of us. The doctor came back in and she smiled.

"Ms.Hall how are your today?" She said as she turned on the machine.

"I'm nervous."

"Of course you are ."

She put on gloves and had me lift my shirt. The she put this jell on my stomach it was cold. She took the thing from the machine it kind of looked like a scanner. The doctor moved it around my stomach and watched the screen on the machine.

"Their you are." She said.

She turned the machine and there was my little peanut baby. My mouth dropped and I looked at Mason. He was smiling so hard.

"That's our baby," he spoke.
I was happy in that moment. Mason looked at me and kiss me. Remembering the doctor was there we parted.

"Sorry," I giggled.

"It's fine happy parents."

"Hey doc I took a regular store test and it said negative.

"Never listen to those test they are cheap and don't always work. It's took early for your pregnancy to come up on one of that."

"This is very new."

" Eighteen is young to have a baby. I'm here to help you with whatever you decided ."

" I can't kill my baby and I won't ."

"We'll you are young so, you're body may not be ready just take it easy. I will get you a little book so, you can know what not to eat and what's really good for the baby. Remember though I stress is not good for mommy or baby."

"Thank you Doctor ," Mason said.

" You're welcome. I'll put your book up at the front desk. "

"Alright," I replied .

She left out and I sat up in front of Mason. We just stared at each other for a second.

"What are we gonna do?" I asked.

" What do you want to do? "

"All we can we is have it. Oh my Mason my mom can't find out . She'll kill it I know my mom. I will be the disgrace of the family. We'll be talked about .

Mason held both of my hands.

"This is my baby too I won't let her take it. This our little family only us no one is going on ruin that. "

We kissed and we left out the clinic. Mason grabbed the book and we called the car. He took us back to my house. There was a black truck outside of the house. My first thought was my mom brought a client to our vacation.
Mason and I went in I had him take the book up stairs. He came right back down and we went into the living room. My eyes light up with joys as I seen them.

"Grandma! Pappy! " I yelled out of excitement.

I ran and hugged both of them tightly. My mom was sitting with them .

"How come you guys are here? Something happen? "

"Oh no dear I just had one of my dreams again about one you, " Grandma said.

"Oh mother enough about your silly dreams. " Mom said.

I lightly touched my stomach as I thought about it. Did she knows about my baby. I quickly moved my hand as she turned and smiled at me.

"Grandma, Pappy this is Mason ,"I said grabbing his hand and pulling him to me.

Pappy came up and shook his hand. Mason smiled and shook back.

" You can tell a lot by a man from a hand shake, "Pappy said.

Pappy let him go and smiled. Grandma just looked at him and smiled at me.

"I feel like this is not the last time I will see you, "Grandma said.

"Mason excuse my mother for being creepy that's what she does ." Mother said.

"Grandma is not creepy she's special. I've seen her been too right about many things. She always knows something you can't keep anything from her. "

Mason looked at my belly then at her. He reached over and held my hand. I wasn't scared that she would tell mom. I was scared she be disappointed in me .

I could feel in my stomach this was only the beginning of everything that has yet to come.

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