Until the End of the World

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My power was out when I strolled through the door of my dwelling, to say the least. That's when it really sunk in, but I only let myself sink two days deep in my pity. On the second day, I took the remainder of that wad of cash I had and paid my rent. With my power back on, so were my fingers against the typewriter. I had it. In three days, I typed nonstop three drafts, taking a break for a total of three hour's sleep. I blew off a job interview at 7-Eleven to write that article, and I had no idea where it'd take me. Knowing my luck, it'd keep me here, but I couldn't stop writing. I had to tell about my experiences. There was a reason I had those four lucky days, and I wouldn't allow myself to forget them. Plus, I wanted to tell about the impact these four guys had on so many other people.

It was called More than A Lot: My Four Days with U2, and for once I was proud of my work. I pitched it to Spin magazine in person. What can I say, I was feeling ballsy. They were about to kick me out once they saw the name under the title, but they were hooked. They needed a replacement for the now unemployed Violet Summer anyway, so I became that girl. I've been that girl for five years. 

A few articles later, I moved out of my shit shack and into a place with a plush bed and jacuzzi tub. I've been on sections of three more tours with bands almost as big as U2, gotten Nat eight more autographed photos (she cried when she saw the U2 one. It sits on her nightstand in a frame to this day), and slept with no more frontmen. Other journalists know my name. I get to mentor newcomers. I guess that Roger fellow was right; there's something about U2 that motivates you.

I haven't forgotten those four days over the past five years, and I reflect on them with the biggest of smile on my face. Sitting in my office, finishing up a new article after an interview I had last week with Dave Grohl, the phone on my desk rings. "June Snowhill speaking."

"June, it's Bianca. I have another tour for you, if you're up to it."

Bianca's my secretary, by the way. "I'm listening."

"Would you want to join U2 for six shows on their PopMart tour?"

I press the phone close to my ear and beam. "Nothing would delight me more." Putting the phone back down, I decide I'll keep admiring optimism. It's not like it ever hurt anybody. 

Hey guys,

That's a wrap! Thank you all so much for sticking around. It's been a blast, and it wouldn't have been without your views and votes and comments. Comment or post requests on my page for the next fanfic.

Much love,


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