Part One

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 The moment the helicopter took off from the ground Reye's gut feeling started acting up. He did his best to ignore it as he stared up at the helicopter shrinking in the distance. This would be the mission that would prove Jack that his pupil was ready to climb through the ranks. It was a decently simple one-man mission; just steal information from the Talon base and bring it back. Easy, right?

Of course, it was Jesse's first mission alone. He was allowed to give him instruction back at base. He had confidence in the kid in all honesty, but that confidence started to falter as the nervous thoughts swept through his head. What if they captured the poor boy? If he failed, how would Morrison react?

Talk about being stressed out. It became a good few hours before he got his call from the helicopter.

"He's been dropped off by the back corridor," the pilot instructed. As ordered, the pilot had landed a few miles away from the base on guard, so the kid had some back up..ish.

"McCree, can you hear me?" Gabe had called in to check on him. He anxiously paced through the command center, staring up at the big monitor that showed the inferenced blueprints of the Talon base, inferred from past experiences at that facility.

Meanwhile, the kid had managed to slip through the back corridor without being noticed. Off to a good start. In all honesty he was scared shitless. On other missions if he messed up he always had someone there to fix the problem. Now? He was alone, and who knows what would happen.

"Yeah yeah.." he muttered, being his attitude self. Reyes rolled his eyes at the response, but brushed it off. "Good- follow the hall to the end before taking a left. There's a possibility that there will be guards around the corner, and whatever you do do not interfere with them," he stated sternly. The cowboy answered with a mumbled, 'got it' before hesitantly peeking his head around the corner. No one was there, fortunately.

"Coast clear, jefe-" he whispered into the communicator. The latino found himself becoming a tad flustered from the out of the blue spanish phrase, but shook it off. "Good-go down the hall and take the second right. There should be a door at the end of the hall that requires ID. That's the destination," he explained. Jesse tensed, frowning. "Require ID? Reyes I ain't no tech nerd- how am I managing to get through?" he questioned him.

"Don't worry about it- just follow instruction," he muttered, going to check in on the pilot if the card slot 'glitch' was ready.

The cowboy huffed, doing as told. The moment he turned the knob on the locked door it magically opened. Everything really was going smoothly, huh?

He closed the door behind him and glanced about the dark room. No one was in there, but a few monitors were on, dimly lighting the room in blue. Jesse took out the flashdrive he was given, plugging it to one of the computers. He gave an approving hum, finding the needed file easily. He downloaded it to the file in no time, glancing behind him every now and then just to be on guard.

"All good?" Reyes called from the communicator, causing McCree to jump.

"Mhm..where am I bein' picked up," he asked, tucking the flash drive back into his belt.

"Same place you were dropped off," the latino replied plainly. He let his posture slump a little, feeling better about how the mission was turning out.

The cowboy became cocky due to the success of the mission, strolling down the hall without hesitation. His cockiness almost cost him his life, since the next thing you knew a gunshot rang out from down the hall. He was caught.

"Shit-" the kid hissed, whipping his head around. Meanwhile, his communicator was still on, having the commander hear the whole thing. His eyes widened from hearing the gunshot.

"Jesse run," he exclaimed into the communicator. He didn't listen to Reyes, instead whipping out his own peacekeeper, sending two bullets towards the guard closing in on him. The guard cried out as a bullet buckled his leg, sending him skidding across the floor.

Gabriel's stress started to overflow as his emotions twisted into frustration. "Dammit boy I said run!" he yelled into the communicator. This time the kid listened, sprinting down the hall as he heard more footsteps following him. He took a sharp turn only to have a hand yank his arm, making him yelp out of surprise. In one swift motion he punched the guy in the side of the head, causing his grip to loosen as he sprinted free. He let out a shaky sigh, making sure the flash drive was still safely tucked in his belt. It was gone.

His breath hitched as he glanced over his shoulder. Guards were still onto him. It was too late, he just had to get out of there at this point.

Well, shoot. 

(Ahh I'm sorry it's so only 844 words. I'll try to make the other parts longer, really)

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