.: Prologue :.

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October 5th, 1994

The book sat splayed over his lap, the young boy's attention was focused downwards. Books had always been so captivating. He drank in every word, especially as he had read this one multiple times.

Romantic Expressions.

It might seem a little bit... older since Lachlan was only nine, but it certainly wasn't as dirty as many others had said it to be. The romantic interests weren't only clean and heart-warming, but they were gay too.

The main couple was composed of two men, and Lachlan adored it. Maybe that's why he had read it so many times, because he could sympathize with it. He could understand what it was talking about. He hadn't yet told his parents that he liked boys, as he wasn't sure how they'd react to knowing it.

Lachlan rubbed his eye with the palm of his hand, eyes flicking over the page yet again, re-reading what he might've missed.

There was some laughter, and he moved his gaze upwards. There were the other kids from his class at school, laughing and pointing. They loved to say that they thought romance was gross, usually by taking his book and pretending to gag at it.

The sounds of footsteps rushing up to him barely registered until there were two hands pressed against his shoulders, and he was pushed backwards, a boy standing over him, before their lips had connected.

It was warm and butterflies shot through his stomach. Lachlan lost his grip on his book and it slipped from his fingertips. His breathing was barely there as his heart pounded in his throat. He didn't have time to even register what had happened before the other boy was yanking himself away and wiping the saliva from his lips.

The smile on Lachlan's face was bright and warm, and before the boy could even begin to say something, he was being cut off by the other.

"It was a dare," he spat, but his eyes were saying something much different as he watched the smile die instantly on Lachlan's lips. "They dared me to." He pointed back to the ground of students that were snorting and laughing, shaking their heads and making kissy noises. "I don't kiss people."

And just like that, the other boy had left. Not even saying anything to the group.

Lachlan wanted to throw up. His first kiss had been stolen by someone that didn't even want it. He wiped at the spit that lingered on his mouth, grabbing his books and ignoring the tears that blurred his vision, causing the world to mesh into lights and colours. He sniffled loudly before letting out a sob.

The other classmates only continued to laugh and point as he got up and bolted in the other direction. He needed to get home.

He needed to talk to his mom and his dad... they'd know what to do. They always knew what to do.

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