Carbon Monoxide

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Lightning flashes,

Rain falls,

I know a storm is coming,

As thunder calls.

The lights flash,

The power is out,

And there is a loud crash,

From the weather that's stout.

They power up the generator,

Outside the front door,

A mistake they realized later,

As carbon monoxide filled the floor.

We tried to sleep,

We tried to rest,

But in our lungs the gasoline started to seep,

As carbon monoxide put us to the test.

"It's not that bad,"

"It's just the smell,"

I repeated to my friend,

As our minds started to yell.

The pain consumed our heads,

And we started to feel nauseous,

We didn't realize we were on our deathbeds,

And now I wish we were more cautious.

At 6 AM,

We were rushed to the hospital,

My friend and I,

Our hopes were little.

But they forgot my brother,

They forgot my dad,

An ambulance was sent to go get them,

As my friend and I went mad.

At first my father was unresponsive,

Hooked up to many machines,

And even with all of these events happening,

This wasn't as bad as it seems.

I think of what happened every day of my life,

As I look at my reflection in this big shiny knife.

I think of the hospital with walls so white,

The image of my family in those beds gave me fright.

That weekend I spent with my favorite friend,

Had a startlingly terrifying and depressing end.

To be in the hospital for another day,

Would keep me from going to school no matter what I would say.

Laying in that bed with an oxygen mask over my face,

Finally the poison in our lungs would subside,

Staring at the wall, my mind still in shock and in space,

Each day I remember when we were poisoned by carbon monoxide.

Words for Suicide #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now