Chapter 1

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Eevee💜 POV

I ran as fast as I could. A female trainer chased after me. I keep getting caught in balls and attacked by her partner Sneasel. I ran into an old town then hid behind a tree. I heard 

The trainer: Eevee shouldn't have gone too far let's go!

I came out. In a window off a house, I saw a Riolu last looking after an egg. I went out and a Cheri Berry fell on my tail. My fur got scraped and it hurts. I took the Berry away then looked up. A Pichu using ThunderShock and the berries fall. Another Eevee was using protect to catch the berries. 

Eevee💙: It's enough berries for Riolu *looks at me* I'm sorry come to my house, I'll help you with your tail.

In the house

Riolu: Eevee, Pichu came back? There's 2 Eevees (double team?)

Pichu: We brought this Eevee here because we accidentally hit her tail with a Cheri Berry.

Riolu: (So you messed up... AGAIN)

Eevee💙: What brings you here

Meh: I was escaping a train-

*egg cracks then a Fenniken came out*

Fenniken: Fennik ken ken (Too young doesn't know how to talk so not translated)

Riolu: It's a Fenniken! *looks at me* Are you escaping from trainers? If yes you can stay here. We had installed a lock here

Meh: Thx! 


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Cya next Century xD

Nah jk

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