Chapter 1- Our Birthday

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The smell of eggs and toast filled the two-storey apartment Snow and I lived in. The sunshine rolled around the house as I recalled that today our birthday.

"Good morning and Happy Birthday Winter!" Snow said in a sleepy way with a mouthful of toast.

"Eat slowly and in small bites and ... same to you Snow!" I replied finishing the lasts on my plate.

I was in a floral dress and I was going to a party but Snow could not come because of the secret we kept. I promised to get her nice gift or a piece of cake and hugged her goodbye. Clearly, I wanted her to come and we never left each other's side after I found her. I grabbed my purse and hopped into the Uber that I was sharing with a stranger invited to the same party thrown for me. As I got in, a man with blond hair and blue eyes shook hands with me. Instantly I recognised him.

"Wait a...are you L...Logan P...Paul ?!" I asked, stammering.

"Please don't fangirl. Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease!" Logan replied. "By any chance are you Winter as in ForeverSnow (YouTube name)?"

I quickly nodded and smiled slightly. I then turned so I faced the window. He knows my name and YouTube Channel. Yessss! I quickly fell asleep because of the five-hour drive to the clubhouse.

Logan's POV

She looks so cute. Much better than behind the computer screen. Wait a second. Is she sleeping on my shoulder?

This is my chance. Don't screw up Logan, Okay? Oh gosh I am blushing. I guess these are perks of being friends with Mark.

"Winter. Winter. Hey, wake up were almost there." I shook her slowly.

Winter's POV

I was shaken awake by ... Logan. I instantly blushed and smiled to hide it. Once we reached there, I realised that I was supposed to bring a guy along and my smile died down and I slowly walked towards the clubhouse and waited at the lobby, sitting in one of the grey couches. I slowly cried into my black jacket. I was about to leave when Logan kneeled down and took my hand and made me stand up. He must have understood what had happened, so we went to the party together.

Time skip to the Uber ride

We had a blast of a time with me making Logan my now close friend. I could not wait for Snow to meet her.

You told him the secret! So cuteee! Wait till tomorrow to find out what happens next. Or maybe today. IDK. Peace my petals.

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