The Great RE-WRITE

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2 years ago I started writing this story. Since it came out in 2011, I used to go round my dad's house every other weekend, and play Skyrim. Then I came up with the idea of this. Unfortunately it wasn't like I could grab inspiration for it from the actual game whenever I wanted so I would have to research anything I needed to know on Wiki first. When describing the layout of Stony Creek Cave, I needed to watch numerous Youtube walkthroughs first because I could just pop on the game and explore it for myself.

Since then, I've taken Creative Writing as an A Level AND I saved up for my own PS4 to buy the remastered edition. On top of that, my story finally got quite a few reads on Wattpad too. But I had alreayd focused most of my attention on graphic design and soon this story kind of went to the back of my mind.

But since I've started getting quite a few comments on this story, I started to feel a little guilty about leaving it where it was. Unfinished and a little bit shit compared to my recently improved writing skills. So I've decided to re-write this. Not just making it grammatically correct, but changing the story, characters, and build up so they are much more improved. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2017 ⏰

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