Chapter 14

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Dedicated to everyone who told me to keep writing, you all helped me remember why I started writing in the first place, I love the feeling of making people happy with my word. This chapter is for you!

Oh god! They look so excited! I look over at Patty, "Babe, I'm not sure I'm ready for this.." I trail off nervously.

"Caitie, you'll be fine. Now get your sweet ass out of the car, and let's go." Patty said.

I grabbed my duffle bag out of the back and got out. "You're right! I do have a sweet ass!" I yelled at Patty walking away. That got everyone's attention.

Matt was the first one to walk over to me. "Hello, you must be Caitlyn, just come with me, and brace yourself. Oh and let me take that." He took my bag.

"Um thanks.. What do you mean brace yourself?" I asked a little frightened of the answer.

Before Matt could reply, none other than Jack Barakat came running at me. "BEST FRIEND!" I braced myself for something, I wasn't sure what though. Jack jumped on me and hugged me whilst wrapping his legs around my waist.

"That." Matt said laughing. "Jack! Get off the poor girl. You're gonna kill her!" Matt yelled at Jack.

Jack got off me and walked back to Alex. Alrighty then.

"Guys! Come say 'hi' to Caitlyn!" Matt exclaimed.

Then like 13 guys came running at me, Jack included. Fuck these guys are weird, what have I gotten myself into?

They'd separated themselves into groups of three. One group was Vic, Mike, Jaime, and Tony, the next group was Alex, Jack, Zach, and Rian, and the last group was Kellin, Justin, Gabe and Jack. "Hi, I'm Caitlyn. I guess I'm the tech girl for All Time Low?" I said, even though it sounded more like a question than anything.

"Well I'm sure you know who everyone is, Alex, why don't you show Caitlyn her bunk and let her settle in a bit then we'll be off. Yeah?" Matt asked me.

"Um yeah, sure." Alex said, a little awkwardly. Awe! He's awkward that's so cute.

I picked up my bags and followed him inside. Taking one last look at Patty and waving goodbye, knowing I wouldn't see him until the first venue.

As we walked inside the bus Alex started pointing out where everything is. "That's the living room type room.." We walked farther in, "That's the, um, kitchen. That's the bathroom." Once we were at the back of the bus there was the bunks 3 on each side. He pointed to the one top left, "This is the extra for bags and shit. Under is Rian's, and then Zach's. On the other side is Jack on top, then you, and I'm the bottom."

I couldn't hold back my laugh. I burst out laughing. "Of course you are, Alex, of course you are."

Alex burst out laughing as well, "Perverted I see! You will fit in quite well here. Oh I'd better show you the last room."

"There's another room?" I asked interested. How many rooms are there?

"Yeah right here." Alex pushed on the back wall a bit and it opened. "It's sound proof. We use it for practicing and stuff. You're welcome to use it anytime."

"I'm not sure I will, but thanks.."

The rest of All Time Low got on the bus, including Matt, who would be driving the bus.

"Come on, let's go sit with the boys." We both started walking down there, I dropped my bags off in my bunk so that I wouldn't be dragging them around with me. I put my headphones in my pocket and my cell phone.

Once there Rian came and say next to me. "Hey, I'm Rian, I hope I didn't come off as rude earlier, it's just I'm sure Matt wanted to get going."

"Oh, no you didn't, I'm sure you're right about that. I'm Caitlyn by the way, I'm super awkward.."

Friends for life (Patty walters fanfiction) ~ON HOLD~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora