Chapter 2

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By the end of the day I was dead tired. Although I wasn't as stressed since I got everything that needed to get done out of the way. I grabbed my purse and car keys off my desk and walked out of the office waving to a few people I knew.
When I got in my car I heard my stomach growl again. Ugh I wanted to go home and crash but I couldn't ignore the empty feeling in my stomach. Instead of going home I called my friend Leah.
"Hey Celine what's going on?" She answered.
"Hey I just got done with work do you want to go somewhere and eat?"
"Yeah I'd love to, are you okay? You sound upset."
"I'm alright just tired and hungry." I said dreading the question.
"Okay, well can we meet at the bar right by where you work?"
"Yeah that's fine I'll see you in a little bit." I say not even wanting to look at the building I call my office.
I parked my car in front of the building and they thankfully didn't look too busy. Knowing Leah would take a few minutes to get here I went ahead in and sat down at the bar. When I had order my glass of wine I noticed a man sitting a few seats down from me. He was very handsome and I opened my mouth to talk to him but nothing came out.
What are you thinking Celine he's to old for you anyways I thought before I saw Leah walk through the door.
"Hello Celine!" She said hugging me.
"Hey how have you been?"
"Good how your new job? I know it's not new but I haven't seen you in a long time." She asked laughing.
"Oh it's okay." I said not wanting to even think about it.
"Is there something you want to talk about?"
"Well yes I emailed a music industry today at work some time after lunch. I doubt they see it for awhile since they probably get a lot of them. I just really want this to go well. This job is stressing me out and I dread doing it every day. Music is what I love but I just don't want to get into it with the wrong person." I say feeling a weight lifted off my shoulders from letting all of that out.
"If you don't like it don't do you. You shouldn't have to stress yourself out like that. Um, not to change the subject but whose that guy you can't take your eyes off of?" She says and I don't even realize I'm staring at him.
"Oh I don't know I think he is a regular here but I'm not sure." I say feeling my heart beat faster. Ugh Celine stop it this is the last thing you need.
"Celine, why don't you talk to him?"
"Me talk to him?! I couldn't do that and besides he is to old for me. People are going to look at me different." I said before someone came up to take our order.
"So what if he's older who cares? A lot of women date older men."
"I don't know Leah I'm already stressed enough as it is."
Still I couldn't take my eyes off of him. I just tried to forget while we ate our food and she got ready to leave.
"Thank you for calling me it was nice seeing you!" She said before leaning over to hug me.
"No problem! Please be safe I love you."
"Love you too Celine. I'll be fine." She says before waving goodbye and leaving through the front doors.
When I turned around I noticed the very handsome man I was staring at was no longer paying attention to his friends and looking my way.
"Excuse me miss, I over heard you mention music. If you don't mind me asking do you sing or play an instrument?" He says as I feel my heart start to beat out of my chest.
"Well I sort of sing but not professionally. Not yet anyways, I would love to actually. I'm not really looking for the fame or billions of dollars. I'd like to be more of a person people can connect to through music if that makes sense?" Oh my gosh is he actually talking to me? I kept screaming over and over on the inside.
"Yes I know exactly what you mean! I'm really into business too and I love music! I actually want to be a music producer someday. If you don't mind me asking can I have your number?"
"Yeah sure let me write it down for you." I say pulling out a sticky note from my purse and writing it down. My heart started to skip a beat and I got this nervous feeling in my stomach as I handed it over to him. It wasn't in a bad way but something about him just really got to me. In the best way possible.
"I probably should have said before my name is Celine!" I say with a heart felt smile.
"Celine, that's pretty. My name is Rene." He says holding out his hand for mine. When he went to shake my hand I got chills....
~Authors Note~ I know I said I would update my other story today but I really couldn't help myself with writing this one😂 I'll try to update my other one tomorrow and I'll make sure to update this again ASAP:). This chapter might seem short but hopefully I will be able to make them longer as I go. Thank you so much again for reading!❤️❤️❤️ (Again, pardon my grammar and spelling if I screwed up anywhere lol.)

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