My sweet little angel

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There was this boy. I cared for him. I really did. I watched him for days,months,years grow. He got so mature and cared for his family and his friends. I was with him when he got into the hospital. Bright lights, white walls, weeping persons. I got used to it while I visited him day after day. He laid everyday  in the hospital bed. So thin, so so thin. He looked like death himself. I sat down on the stool besides his bed and took his hand in mine. He clutched my hand so hard his knuckels turned white, if that was even possible since his skin was as white as the one of a ghost. He looked at me with his pleading eyes. He couldn't do it any longer. His look said enough and I got up slipped in beside him in the bed and hold him in my arms. His breath became more even and flatter by the minute. That was the time when I knew his time has come. I remembered the first time I got to hold him in my arms, the first time I saw his smile and his last words to me. 'Learn to forget how to hate only then you will be able to learn how to love' and I tried. I tried for him to forget how to hate. I hadn't noticed the nurses and doctors which stormed in his hospitalroom to save him. Save his life. But he was long gone. He was finally in heaven. I held his dead body all night long and cried. I cried over him. My sweet little angel.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2017 ⏰

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