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This is a letter,
From a daughter
To her mother .

I'm not gonna say she is perfect,
Or she is always correct.
What she knows to do is,
Love , care and protect.

Mom is one of the best creation of lord.
She can give us more than she can afford.
Her presence make us feel adored.

I can't see tears in your eyes,
If you cry my eyes automatically cries,
Me leaving for studies is not a goodbyes.

I love you some much that I can even express,
I want you  not to take any stress,
You are the key behind my every happiness and success.

I know I argue,
When I don't even need to,
I feel sorry but I was never able to express to you.

I know tomorrow night,
I will be in flight.
But tonight I just wanna hold you tight.

I'm so much gonna miss
Your lipstick kiss
Your anger
Your tantrums.

I'm so much gonna miss
Messing around the house
And running behind the mouse.

I'm so much gonna miss
You mom.
I just want you to be strong.
Don't miss me too much

I'll be back home
Really really soon.
And now I'll never forget that
Your birthday comes in June.

I can make this poem longer than infinity.
Coz mom you are beyond infinity.
You are so beautiful and pretty.
You are my center of gravity.
That's why no matter where I am
Or where are you.
I will always be back in your arms
I will always be back to you.
I love you.

With lots and lots of love
Your annoying daughter

I dedicate this poem to my lovely mom. I don't know if i will ever show this to her or not. Or this might be the first poem I'm going show her. She didn't even know i like writing poems n stuff.

While writing this well right now as well I'm crying coz it's my real emotions. Idk if I expressed my emotions as much as I'm feeling right now but I tried.

Wish me luck guys I'm going to hostel... For my studies...

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