Chapter 3

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I feel nails in my arms which tremble the more anger this person throws out. If it wasn't my confusion taking over my brain would feel the pain of the nails scratching in my skin. The hazel green eyes look back at me in great fury and realize in one snap they are familiar.

''Oh Lydia,'' I frown in confusion but more sarcastically. ''You're real.''

''Very funny, Mardane,'' she sighs in deep frustration. ''You could have gotten yourself killed. Don't you know what that means not only for you but also for Zero? We'd be done.''

''Done?'' I raise an eyebrow. ''All I know of Zero is that you told me about it. For the rest there is not a single thing I know. Who they are, what they do. And now you say that stupid act depends on the future of an organization I don't even know that well?''

''I would take you there,'' Lydia considers as she lets go of me and looks away. ''But from your actions I can only tell you will make it dangerous.''

''Leave the kid alone, Lydia,'' a blonde haired young man towers up behind her and laughs at how I am standing against the wall. ''I reacted exactly the same. And you do not even know that, I came into Zero before you remember?''

Lydia turns around frustrated as she notices the voice. She turns around and faces the man while she crosses her arms. She is a fierce one I can tell. But I am still not fully trusting her. Shoving this all up right in my face while I am just recovering from being on the run and jail for two years. Maybe she could be right but right now I am just so confused.

''Garret,'' Lydia sighs. ''You have been following me again.''

''It is not difficult following a girl that takes her tracking device with her,'' Garret laughs as he points at the thing that looks like a watch on her wrist. ''Besides that, I think we all could have used some good fresh air. Away from that stinky base,'' then he turns to me as he probably 'finally' notices that I am here as well. ''Oh I am Garret. Garret Collins.''

''Felix Mardane.'' I bring out still frowning.

''Lydia wasn't bothering you, right?'' he asks on which I shake my head. ''Good. She can be very clingy sometimes. Remember Wesley, Lydia?''

''Shut the hell up you moron,'' Lydia spits. ''And help me convince this idiot how important it is to not mess things up in this world.''

Garret snickers. ''Oh yeah,'' he breathes. ''What she said. That was extremely stupid. They are not only after you, kid.''

''Well I am sorry that I did that,'' I sarcastically say. ''Now can I have my normal life back?''

''He never learns.'' Lydia states as she turns away from us. Garret smiles at me.

''No,'' he exclaims. ''But kid, you sure as hell will get a better life if you come with us.''

I laugh out loud.

''What life is that, the life of Freaks of the Freak Show?''

''If you are going to stay out here in the wild with nowhere to go,'' Lydia starts. ''People will exactly look at you like some sort of freak. They will not understand what you are going through.''

I sigh once Lydia talks again. Now I come to think of it, I am glad Garret is here to make comebacks to her as well. As I can tell Lydia is not taking any of this.

''Why don't you guys leave me to think for a while?'' I ask. ''I mean I don't even know you guys.''

''You don't have to kn-'' Lydia starts but Garret cuts her off.

''Of course,'' he smiles. ''Just don't get involved in any of that again while we are gone.''

Before Lydia can speak against Garret has already pulled her by her arm and waves at me in this weird way. I do not know whether to like this Garret guy or not. He seems cocky while Lydia is the whole opposite. She is more serious than the day we met at the park. I guess she had high expectations of me back then.

''He'll submit, Lydia,'' I hear them whisper as they walk away. ''Soon he'll have no other place to go then Zero.''

I am yet again wandering through these lonely streets. This time I have found this dark homeless hideout where they have fires and warmth. At least one thing to get me through the night. I have gotten looks but no complaints when I walked in here. That is because homeless people never ask. They just nod in an understanding way. For now I am glad. I am not in the mood to tell more people I am 'that one guy'.

I grab inside my pockets to find something entertaining and surprisingly I find the thing I last put in my pocket, which is a note my friend Eveline and I passed in class. We never got caught. I unfold it and smile at the memory.

Mrs. Grant looks like she doesn't know what make-up means. - E

Oh god Ev, you are so mean xD - F

Don't say you don't agree with me. - E

Okay you caught me. - F

This was one besides thousands of other notes Eveline and I passed in class. This one was just exactly before I got caught and which I had with me.

Eveline probably doesn't want to see me ever again. Maybe she is scared of me. I mean, I have been missing at the same time 'that one guy' disappeared forever. She must think something about it. And I bet it is more negative than the police coming after me.

I groan. But I have missed her so much. I just have to let her know that I am okay. At least one person I really care about. Since my parents do not care and I have no brothers or sisters there is no other option. Another voice in my mind tells me that it will be fine. That she missed me as much as I missed her. Above all, we were each other's only best friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2017 ⏰

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