Silent Assasin

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If I could freeze this moment in time
If I could turn off all the lights
Mmmhhmmm for a while
Was a strange kid
Barely spoke
Didn't know why
Now I know why
Is it a blessing or a curse

Lying in bed random memories go by, they all seem like a blur from another life, reflecting through the mud on a rainy day mmmm mmmm
Yeah I was a mute bitch
And I'm cute bitch
Take the hint Rich, I ain't tryna be rude I'm just stuck in a loop
Ima badass, can't you see that
I swear I must have been a silent Assassin in a past life
Cursed for my sins to reap in this life

This life, what is this life?
We don't live it twice
Do you believe in Christ?
Just roll the dice like a grain of rice
By the way I'm Buddhist
Who's this?
Past lives
Good karma. Bad karma. Dalai Lama

If I could freeze this moment in time
If I could turn off all the lights
Mmmhhmmm for a while
Was a strange kid
Barely spoke
Didn't know why
Now I know why
Is it a blessing or a curse

Mmmm, mmmm, mmmm
Everyday was a battle in this anxiety ridden road
They tell her just talk?
Why don't you talk?
She can't talk
Speak up
I'm sick of talking to a mime
There's disconnection between my voice and my brain, tight throat, stiff body
I freeze. I freeze. I freeze. I freeze.
They say I've caught Selective Mutism
Mutism? Am I a mutant? Will Xaviour's school for mutants take me to embrace this abnormality
Child, rest your body and let your soul meditate
Im sure through time you'll find your place

Lying in bed random memories go by, they all seem like a blur from another life, reflecting through the mud on a rainy day mmmm mmmm
Yeah I was a mute bitch
And I'm cute bitch
Take the hint Rich, I ain't tryna be rude I'm just stuck in a loop
Ima badass, can't you see that
I swear I must have been a silent Assassin in a past life
Cursed for my sins to reap in this life

This life, what is this life?
We don't live it twice
Do you believe in Christ?
Just roll the dice like a grain of rice
By the way I'm Buddhist
Who's this?
Natalie Moon
Past lives
Good karma. Bad karma. Dalai Lama

If I could freeze this moment in time
If I could turn off all the lights
Mmmhhmmm for a while
Was a strange kid
Barely spoke
Didn't know why
Now I know why
Is it a blessing or a curse

The feed back:
Now this was supposed to be a rap I wrote for  anxiety. A friend of mine reviewed it.

There's on thing I remember he pointed out:
"And the line Xaviour cure me. Xaviour doesn't cure mutants. He helps them accept and embrace their differences."

Which I realised was very true. And that's a good message as well.

A psychologist or two mentioned this word to me in the past.


Stepping out of anxiety - Selective Mutism editionWhere stories live. Discover now