474 10 2

As we continued our way to meet up with Vern and Teddy I spotted a certain someone... Ace Merrill someone my sister constantly talked to. He was such an ass. 

" Oh God it's Ace " I gasped.

" Just ignore him " Chris said. I looked down trying not to make eye contact. We tried walking past him and Chris's older brother Eyeball but instead Ace snatched Gordie's hat.

" Hey! Come on man. My brother gave me that! " Gordie shouted jumping up to get it. 

" And now you're givin it too me " He argued with a cigarette in between his lips. 

" You're a real asshole you know that? " Chris grunted. 

" Your brothers not very polite, Eyeball " Ace handed Eyeball the hat  and dropped his smoke. 

" Now Christopher, I know you didn't mean to insult my friend "

" Are you not only blind but deaf Eyeball? Chris insulted Ace and he meant it " I spoke. 

" Oh yeah kid? " Ace asked.

" Yeah "

He threw Chris to the sidewalk. 

" Now did your little boyfriend mean it? " 

My eyes widen. " You scumbag! Let him go you're hurting him " 

" Yeah let him go! " Gordie joined.

Chris struggled trying to get out of Ace's tight grip. " You bastard! Let go man " 

" Take it back " he ordered this time lifting up the cigarette on the sidewalk holding it to his face. I panicked looking for something to hit him with finding an empty beer bottle, and then hitting it on Ace causing him to let go of Chris. 

" RUN! " I insisted. Chris jolted up and we bolted, Ace had stood up and Eyeball was gonna go after us.

" Just leave them... We'll get them when Wendy's little brat sister isn't there "


We had run all the way to go see Vern and Teddy and we started our journey. 

" Why do we need a pistol anyways? " Vern scrunched his face.

" Vern have you ever heard of ' the wild ' " I quizzed. 

" Well I guess I didn't think of that, but while Chris might have brought a pistol I brought a comb" 

" Why? "

" Well, if we get on TV we want to look good, don't we? "

" That's a lot of thinking Vern " Chris acted impressed.

" Thanks " 

Teddy threw his hand in front of Vern's face and Vern backed up " Two for flinching " Teddy punched him. 

We all stopped looking at the train tracks ahead of us. " How long from here to there " I asked Chris.

" Mm 20 miles, if we follow the tracks all the way to Harlow road, Sound right to you Gordie? "

" Yeah, it might even be 30 "

I was surprised and knew 20 - 30 miles away walking would take a day " That'll take a day if we have stops " 

Vern shook his head worried about all that walking " Gee maybe we should just hitchhike "

Everyone looked at him Teddy especially " No way that sucks "

Vern debated with Teddy telling him how much easier it would be it we hitchhiked until Teddy had the last word and then we all traveled down hill singing. 

" Have gun will travel "  our voices were in symphony.

Gordie stopped singing to say something " We have to fill up at the junkyard. My dad said its a safe well " 

Chris drank from his canteen and closed the lid " Not if Choppers there, if Choppers there we'll send you in " He looked at Vern. 

" Haha very funny " Vern told him.

" Hey I'm hungry who's got the food? " 

I sighed " Yeah and I'm thirsty Vern, I'm so stupid for forgetting a canteen, hey Gordie can I have some water "  

Chris handed me his water " You can have some of mine " I took a sip and gave it back.

" So where's the food? " Vern squeezed his question back in. 

" Oh shit, you're telling me no one brought food? " Teddy stopped.

No way I was sharing my candy bar so I acted like I didn't have food " Yeah you guys! No one brought food? " 

" Not me. Gordie? "

" Nope "

" Great. What are we gonna do eat our feet? " 

" Calm down Teddy I'm sure everyone brought money, Right Vern, Gordie and Chris? "

" Yeah Sandy's right let's count our money I got a dollar and two cents " Gordie handed me his money. 

" Okay that's good Gordie, I have two dollars and fifty three cents, " Chris handed me his change and we held each others hands for a second. His hands were soft, and warm but then he let go releasing his coins. " Sixty eight cents from Chris " Then Teddy, " Sixty cents from Teddy " and last Vern forked his change over " Vern... you brought seven cents? You added seven to all the money we brought "

Vern defended himself " I haven't found my pennies yet! " I rolled my eyes. 

" You're lucky I brought so much money, and four dollars and ninety cents isn't bad, plus that store is at the end of that small road  by the junkyard, we'll get food there. "

The train engine could be heard and Chris pointed it out " Train coming " we all left the train tracks standing on the side except for Teddy. 

I watched him " Teddy get over here " 

" No Sandy " he threw his sleeping bag " I'm gonna dodge it "

"  Come on you're crazy "

" Train dodge, dig it " The train's whistle blew coming faster and closer. 

" I said get off the tracks man! You're gonna kill yourself "

" Just like the beach of Normandy "

I had enough. " Get off the tracks dumb ass! " I shoved him and he pushed me to get off. I hit his back so hard he fell and I jumped off. I screamed at him well the whistle blew so loud as the train passed no one could hear me. 

Chris was angry with him too. " You son of a bitch Teddy! You tried too kill yourself Sandy saved your damn life so shut the hell up! " they gave each other blank stares. 

" I don't need your girlfriend too save me "

I was red both with anger and embarrassment. 

" She's not my girlfriend... " Teddy became silent and Chris calmed down breaking the silence.  " Skin it " 

" I could've dodged it " He went to get his sleeping bag but I threw him back so he could ' skin it ' with Chris.  " Peace, Skin it " Chris once again said. Teddy was convinced and agreed to do it. Thus ending what had just happened and then we started walking once again.


Hey guys I'm gonna try to finish this book before August ends sorry I didn't update all  summer. I 'm going to try to update again tonight. And this account is co - owned by two people so  we're working on a new book and it's gonna be named " Brooklyn "  have a good day / night / or morning :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2017 ⏰

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