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"Cain, what are you doing?"

Cain looked up from his painting. Standing a few feet away from him was Michael. He was leaning against the classroom doorway, a nonchalant look on his face.

His glasses slid down his nose. An annoyed look flashed across his face as he slid them back up.

"I'm just painting. Hey, shouldn't you be on your date with 'Miah?"

Michael scoffed.

"Jeremiah couldn't go. He had some family issues, or something. Anyway, what exactly are you painting?"

Michael gestured to the painting. It was supposed to be of a galaxy, with a few planets sprinkled in between. However, Cain wasn't done with it yet.

"Oh, nothing much. Just trying to paint a galaxy. Though, it's not going quite as well as I would of liked." Cain responded.

"Maybe if you used actual paintbrushes instead of your fingers, it would actually look okay."

Cain scowled.

"All the paintbrushes are either broken, or they're covered in so much paint that it's impossible to wash off."

Michael rolled his eyes and walked towards Cain. He rolled up the sleeves of his red hoodie, exposing his soulmark.

Everybody knows that when you and your soulmate meet, where ever you touch, your soulmark will appear. That's when you know they're your soulmate. Every soulmark is just a random burst of colors and patterns.

Some people never meet their soulmate. Those who do are the lucky ones. Like Michael. A flash of jealousy went through Cain.

Michael's soulmark was located on his left forearm, and it was bright blue mixed with red. It was in a swirly type of pattern, with a couple of white dots spread around it.

"What are you doing Michael?"

Michael let out a sigh.

"What does it look like? I'm helping you paint your dumb galaxy so you can come hang out with me. I'm bored, and I don't really wanna play videogames alone tonight. Alright, where's the paint?"

Cain rolled his eyes playfully and passed a tube of paint to Michael.

"Do you think I'll find my soulmate one day?"

Michael paused, and looked up with sympathetic expression.

"I'm sure you will Cain. If I can find my soulmate, I'm sure you can too"

Cain let out a tiny chuckle.

"Alright mister soulmate, help me finish my galaxy"

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2018 ⏰

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