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" WE HAVEN'T TEXTED IN SO LONG AND YOU STILL REMEMBER MY BIRTHDAY??? wait... I didn't even tell you <.<"

"I google when the northern lights appeared first 21 years ago 😉 I'd send you something as a present but I don't know you address"

"You are crazy 🙂 Thank you tho!"

"How have you been all this time?"

"Haha are you nice to me now because I didn't forget your birthday?😂😂"

"I have to show my gratitude somehow... and also I got six new followers because of you!😂"

"They are just all people from my classes and lectures so... all 'nerds', you know"

"But I'm fine... I had some weeks off now but uni is starting again and I'm motivated af"


"I'm so glad I'm out of that thing"


"You can gladly work at the warmth of stunning
-14.3 degrees in winter instead of me"

"Is it really that cold???"

"Yes and it isn't like I'm not already freezing 24/7"

"I think I know what I could send you for your next birthday then"


"A heating blanket"

"That would be nice tho 🙇‍♀️, nerd"

"Can you stop saying I'm a nerd for once??? Just because I like poetry doesn't mean I'm nerdy, also being a nerd doesn't mean something bad!"

"Why are you so butthurt about me giving you funny nicknames? 😂😂"


"I used to be quite a rascal"

"That's hard to imagine"

"You seem so adorable at times"


"😂😂 exactly like this"

"But something doesn't add up"


"You 'used to be' a rascal? Why not anymore?"

"Now you are the one not texting back 👀👀"

"You are making me curious now so tell me as my 'birthday present' please~"

"Me and my friends did lots of shit 😂😂"

"And then?"

"Now I don't talk to them anymore"


"Reasons you don't have to know"

"You are trying to be so dramatic again it makes me sick but it's also kinda thrilling"

"Nerd, always at your service 😚"

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