The Attack

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Hide, knowing very well the type of situation we were in, grabbed me and began to run. We both ran as fast we could, but the ghoul behind started to chase us.

Why?! Why is this happening to me?!

These were few of the many thoughts that rushing around in my head.

Hide pulled his phone out and began to call someone.

"Who're you calling?!"

Hide responded but I couldn't hear him because the ghoul that began to chase us started to say weird things causing me not to hear Hide. What the ghoul said next was horrifying.

"TRÉS BIEN! The bond between two friends in the middle of the park, reminiscing, just plays with the strings of my delicate heart. Ah! I wonder what the two of you will taste like."

And with that the ghoul increased his speed and the next thing I knew I was on the ground.


I had tripped over a crack in the pavement.

"Kaneki!" Hide shouted once he realized I had tripped.

Everything around me was going so fast, I just couldn't keep up. And because of that, I might just die here.

Then my life flashed before my eyes. Everything that I did, everything I wanted to do, was all coming back to me.

The ghoul was now about ten feet away from me. I was on the ground looking at him straight in the eye.

"Maybe I should try the leg. They did indeed look good while you were running." The strange ghoul said.

Before the ghoul came closer, Hide rushed over and stood between me and the ghoul.

"Oh, what's this?" The ghoul said sounding intrigued.

"Stay back!" Hide shouted.

"Hide, just run!"

Hide chuckled softly.

"Man... who would've thought that this would happen, aye Kaneki?" Hide said continuing to stand his ground against the ghoul.

"Ah! I just can't hold myself back anymore. The leg it is!"

Next thing I knew, the ghoul in front us, lunged himself towards Hide. The thing sticking out of the ghouls back, became a sword like shape and took a swing at both Hide's legs. It came in contact with the area's above the knee caps.


Hide screamed in agony as he fell to the floor.

"Oh, do not worry young man. This will be over shortly," The ghoul said, "For you have the privilege of becoming the Gourmets next meal."

Still on the floor, I watched these events happen right before my eyes.

"Hide..." I said expecting for a response.

Tears began to fall from eyes as I watch my best friend, slowly becoming unconscious.

Then, what came after was anger. Anger towards the ghoul who called himself the Gourmet.

Blinded by my anger, I clenched my fist and quickly got up to fight the man who hurt my closest friend.

He was surprised at the of me getting up because all of his attention was on Hide.

"I'LL KILL YOU!" I shouted.

I never got into a fight before, and I didn't expect my first to be with a ghoul.

I began to throw punches left and right but with each swing, the ghoul dodged.

It seemed like the ghoul was toying with me, because the thing that came out of his back had disappeared and now there was a smile on his face.

"You're doing it wrong. This... is a real punch."

The next thing I knew, his fist collided with my cheek and sending me back on the ground right where I started.

"Oh, are you not going to get back up."

The pain I was feeling was terrible, but it couldn't be as terrible as Hides injury.

I felt getting dizzy and my eyes began to close.

No, not now. I need to save Hide...

Slowly I too became unconscious, but before I did, I heard shouting of some men getting closer to us.

Do they have... brief cases?

The next day.

I opened my eyes and realized that I was I in a different place.

Was that a nightmare?

I sat up straight tried to figure out where I was at. Right beside was a nurse putting a tray of food on the table right next to me.

She notice me looking around the room and smiled.

"In you're in a hospital sweety."

If I'm here, then that means Hide might be here as well!

"Um, do you kno--"

But before I could finish, a man with a trench coat walked in and faced the nurse.

"Is it alright if I could speak with him for a moment?"

The nurse nodded and began walking out of the room.

I took a closer look at the man's appearance. He looked almost 6'-4", and had black hair.

"Hello, my names Amon. I'm an investigator for the CCG. I'd like to ask you a few questions about last night."

"Um, before you ask, can I ask you something?"


"How is my friend Hide doing? Is he alright?" I asked desperately.

"Your friend is going to be alright. Personally, I find it amazing for him to call the police in a situation like that. Luckily my partner and I were patrolling a nearby area when they contacted us."

That's great news...

"Good... now that I've heard that Hides alright. You can ask your question."

Amon smiled and then pulled out a small notebook. He read a bit and looked up back to me.

"Alright, let's get started."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2018 ⏰

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