Ferdinand One Shot - Orphan Black

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Warning: SMUT.
Author's Note: this one shot was actually inspired by a dream I had, a large portion of of the content below was concocted by my sleeping mind...
Featured Song: Strange Love, Halsey

Edit: (*spoiler warning*): this was written before he killed *you know who*, and I immediately regretted writing this afterward. But oh well, life goes on 🤷🏼‍♀️

Opening her eyes, Darcy blinks as her vision adjusts to the darkness. She stretches out her stiff limbs as best as she can in her current position, seated in a chair with her wrists tied behind her back. It's now been a full 24 hours since she was captured and restrained here. In hindsight, snooping through files on Topside and breaking into Ferdinand Chevalier's apartment probably wasn't the greatest idea ever.

She'd only been an intern at DYAD for a few weeks when she first started becoming suspicious of her employer. To make matters worse, shortly after she began investigating her concerns, she met Cosima, a scientist at DYAD, and discovered she was a clone.

Darcy is startled when the light above the stove suddenly flicks on, dimly illuminating the kitchen.  She hears footfall against the tile floor, approaching her from behind. Ferdinand drops to one knee, deftly untying the rope around her wrists, then stands and circles around the chair to face her.

Confused by his decision to free her, she moves her hands to her lap and rubs gently at her reddened wrists. "What do you want?" She demands.

He clucks his tongue disapprovingly at her. "Tsk, tsk. Don't forget your manners. I think I deserve more respect than that for not killing you when I had the chance." His clean-cut English accent rolls off his tongue, smooth as silk.

"I think that's the very last thing you deserve," she retorts.

He sinks down to crouch in front of her, his eyes levelling with hers. "I'm being very cordial here. I could have kept you up all night, you know."

Darcy takes a good, up-close look at him for the first time since they met. They'd passed by each other a few times at DYAD, but she'd never really taken the time to notice that he was rather good looking. Dark brown hair, cropped short and styled to seem effortlessly mussed at the top. Angular bone structure, full lips, and intelligent blue eyes behind rectangular lenses.

As she sizes him up, Ferdinand does the same to her. Her attractive facial features and hazel eyes are identical to that of all the LEDA clones. However, her hair has been dyed a very dark brown, nearly black, and is much longer than the rest of them, skimming the middle of her back.

Emboldened by a sudden burst of confidence, Darcy locks eyes with him and smiles flirtatiously. "And why would that be a bad thing, exactly?"

His lips part in a shocked smile at her unexpected audacity, his expression shifting from passive to intrigued. He rises to full height, smirking down at her, and extends his hand.

She ignores his offer, although her legs are sore from sitting in a chair all night, and stands without assistance.

His arm drops to his side. He strides over to the fridge, opening the door and retrieving a pitcher. He pours a glass of water and holds it out to her. "Here. I'm sure you're thirsty."

Rolling her eyes at the no-doubt intended innuendo, she crosses the room to take the glass and stand beside him. She eyes the clear liquid suspiciously, feeling his eyes on her.

"Is it not up to par?"

Wordlessly, she walks over to the sink, dumps the water down the drain, and sets the empty glass down on the counter.

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