primary school

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  My friend Krystal and I were kitchen witches once, me and her did all kinds of stupid things to try to do more than kitchen witching.

Krystal and I were in primary school for witching when our familiars finally came, one was an emo cat and one was a fishing cat. I was so excited when I got my familiar, we were the first kids in our class to get a familiar.

That was the only time we were the best in our class. We could only do kitchen magic. We excelled at kitchen magic but not regular magic. The kids and the teachers made fun of us so we just dropped out. Me and her practiced at home. We made ingredients come out of thin air so we only had to shop for potions, and we made five hour meals in one minute. We practiced our talents so much we opened a shop.

Everything went downhill from there. "Hey Krystal, they pressed charges on us for being too loud with our cooking." "How bad were they?" asked Krystal. "We got multiple complaints per day, so we owe over 600$." We saved up enough to pay the bills not this, so we either had to be homeless or shopless. "I was thinking about selling this place and our shop, so that we can get a cheaper house in another town, and the downstairs could be our shop." "So we sell our house and our shop, let's do it."It took a couple of weeks, but we sold both.

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