Moving In

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We moved to a new town where I heard we could be as loud as we wanted. We just bought a three story house, the top two floors were for living and our office and the bottom floor was our shop. We knew we needed to start doing some stuff to the shop. We bought a counter and we had our stuff from the first shop, we set it all up and we were so happy. We put up the sign and we were waiting for people, well I was waiting for people Krystal was counting our money. 

After hours I finally got a customer who was asking for 15 instant dinners, I told her to come back in fifteen hours. She said, "that long you fucktard," she groaned in disgust, "they have better service at the convenience store." She forced a smile. "I would not rather have yours since your a local business, it better be good." I knew to start making them instantly, she seemed like she was NOT kidding around. 

I took up my book of spells and I turned to the instant dinner section. It said that I could make fifteen in two hours. I only needed two ingredients too, eye of newt and fur of dog. I had both of those. I mixed them together and waited for an hour and then I took the fifteen instant dinners out. I called the card the woman gave me and she was really surprised. When she came over she said she would send her richest friends here. Krystal heard this and I saw her face. She was really excited.

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