My Secret Memorys

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  • Dedicated to Mari Piggott

                                                    Chapter 1


I woke up on the ground in some sort of pool.


There was a gash in my side,  blood running down my hips,  but I couldn't seem to remember how I had gotten such a bad injury.


As a matter of fact the only things I could remember were the basics, my name,  some battle,  and my father telling me to run.


I sat up wincing at the pain in my side and looked around, I was sitting in a pool of blood, my own hopefully.


Although it might not have been my blood, because there was quite a lot and there seemed to be lots of bodies lying around me all bloody and battle scarred.


“Where am I?”  I asked my self, not expecting an answer.


“You're losing your mind.”  Someone using a male sounding voice stated.


“No she’s not, Im confused too!”  Another female voice replied.


“Well thats because you’re an idiot.”  Said the first voice.


“Who are you? Come out!”  I yelled.


A small human like creature with the look of a human girl about the size of my hand, appeared in front of me in a puff of green smoke. She was wearing a light blue dress that went down to her knees, and she had tiny silvery wings on her back, light pink skin, and dull blond hair.


“Hi ya!” She said smiling.


“Ahhh!”  I screamed.


“What's wrong?”  She said looking behind her then at me,  then she put her hand on her cheek. “Do I have something on my face?”  She asked.


I shook my head. “No.”  I said. “But your skin is pink!”


“Yes I know.”  She replied.


“Who are you? Were are we? Who am I?!”  I yelled.


“Ohhh.”  She said. “I know what happened, Lex! get out here now!”  She yelled.


“Fine.”  The other voice replied not sounding very happy.


There was another puff of smoke, red smoke this time and this time it was a boy the same size as the girl. He had blood red hair,  green eyes, and had a black horn on his head, and was wearing a black t shirt and black jeans.


He stood there with his arms crossed looking incredibly bored.


“I’m Lex.”  He said holding out a tiny hand. I took his hand and shook it as lightly as I’d shake a dolls hand.


“And I’m Crystal nice to meet you!”  The girl, Crystal said. “And I believe that you have lost your memories….”


“What? How? Ugh.”  I said collapsing to a sitting position.


“Please only ask the important questions one at a time,  I hate answering pointless and boring questions.”  Lex said.


“Okay who are you people?” I asked.


“We’re pixies, from the land of Thornvale!” Crystal said happily.


“Who am I?” I asked.


“You’re a fairy guard, you guard the princess.” Lex answered.


“What happened here?”  I said gesturing to the battlefield.


“A war…”  Said Crystal.  “Between Fairy’s, and Humans.”


“What do I have to do?”  I asked.


“We have to find the princess and bring her back to Thornvale.”  Lex said.


“Where do we start?”  I asked.


“We’re going to see Gogen the magician,  if any one knows where the humans took the princess

it’ll be him.”  Crystal said.

I felt nervous about this whole idea of fairies, and crazy adventures but I somehow felt like it was something I needed to do.


“But first I’m going to heal you because we’re going to have to walk and we can't have you wincing every time you move and slowing us down.” Lex said.


Then Lex flew up to my side put out his hands and the gash healed instantly.

And so our adventure began…….

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