Meeting Neptunea.

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Chapter 2


"So?.... Where are we going?"  I asked.  As I followed Lex and Crystal across the battlefield, into a forest and across a muddy bog.


"We're going to visit a witch named Neptunea shes quite known to help fairys, nymphs, and pixies, if they ever need to travel to the human realm, and need magical items or advice." Crystal said.


"But I've always kind of wanted to punch her in the face because she always demands a high price for her help." Lex said.


Climbing over the last of the mud I asked.  "What does she ask for,  that would be so terrible to give her?"


"The worst thing she ever asked for was for some blood from a nymph, which wasn't for her self,  it was needed to do what the nymph asked for and the nymph survived it so...."  Crystal shrugged. "I dont really have any problems with it." Crystal said.


"Umm?, uhh?" I stuttered trying to ask a very important question that I couldn't quite manage to actually ask...


"Just spit it out already!" Lex snapped while flying beside me, but not looking at me. "Geez I'm surrounded by absolute morons."


I took a deep breath and asked. "What will she want from us ?"


"I don't know, I'm a pixie not a mind reader." Lex said. With an annoyed tone to his voice.


It got quieter from then on.  We walked through the forest in silence with Crystal sometimes chirping in to tell us which path we needed to take, because apparently Crystal was the only one out of the three of us that had gone to see Neptunea before.


Finally,  we came out of the cover of trees and ended up at the edge of a small and quiet road, across the road was grassy field and in the middle of the field was a little cabin that seemed to be in the middle of nowhere....


"Is that where we're going?"  I asked directing my question to Crystal.

"Yup." She said happily.  Welcome to the lair of the Witch.

We walked up to the door of the cabin.  "Who's going to Knock?"  I asked.


Neither one of the pixies said anything.....

"Okay I'll do it." I said giving in and taking the golden knocker in my hand. And letting it drop.

The door opened, a girl my age in a light green dress with golden threads through it stood on the door step.


She stood there staring at me with curiosity. "What do you want?"  She asked.

"Neptunea good to see you again!"  Crystal said.

"Oh, its you Crystal come in then I'll help you how ever I can." She said.

We walked into Neptunas cabin the cabin was made of wood on the outside, but on the inside there was dark blue fabric on every inch of the walls, there was an arm chair in one corner of the room,  a table in another corner with two chairs, and on the walls  where shelves full with all kinds of jars, philes, and ingredients, resided and there were three doors in the walls leading out of the room.

Strange it feels like I already know her....

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2015 ⏰

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