Star IX

133 6 3

(Important a.n. at the end :)


The entire front room was covered in violets. And it's a big front room.

The grand piano bench, which I have sat upon many a time, was now sitting Louis's MacBook Air, wirelessly connected to a Beats pill that was softly playing a really familiar song I couldn't put my finger on. How did it go?

"This night is flawless, don't you let it go, I'm wonder struck..."

Humming the song, I made my way through the through, weaving in and out of the spectacular display. Taking time in smelling the violets, it wasn't long before a small sign caught my eye. It was taped on the edge of the wall the grand piano was pushed against. It was small, and written in magic marker.

"To the roof," it said.

What's on the roof? It couldn't be more violets, there were enough down here to fill the entire city. Taking a last look at the door, the boys were now gone, or at least the voices stopped. Harry can be two completely different people and it really confuses me. Shaking my head, I crossed the room to the base of the sprawling staircase.

I slowly made the journey upstairs to Louis's room, which is the only way onto the roof. I walked the entirety of the familiar dark blue room to the French double doors that I shakily opened.

What will greet me once I go up there?

I took a deep breath and reminded myself that whatever it was, the guy who didn't was no longer here for a reason.

On the terrace, I climbed onto the windowsill next to the doors and hoisted myself onto the lowest part of the huge roof, not knowing what to expect.

Oh my goodness.

Candles, burning brightly, despite the wind.

Blankets, enough to make a makeshift bed, propped up against a small rise in the roof along with pillows. And next to that, the projector and mini screen from the computer room was set up, and Shrek was yelling at Donkey for following him across from the "bed".

This cannot be a coincidence, but I didn't tell him what my favorite movie was.

Oh my god, Louis, of course! The realization hit me that Harry must've set aside his deep annoyance of my best friend to set this up. I felt a warm sensation engulf my entire body and I just stood there like an idiot.

This...this is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me.

But then I remembered why Harry wasn't here to share it with me.

"Why do you think he did all of this anyway, to be a nice guy? We both know that all he wants to do is bang you, he's even told you that!"

I shook my head in anguish and bitterness. RD was right, Harry is only after one thing and I can't let him get to me.

It just sucks, it does.

Someone makes you feel so special and then their true motives are revealed. You see the venom behind the smile. The poison behind the eyes. The libel behind the words, it was all there and me and my stupid pride...

I can't help being the little sheltered girl I grew up being, tearing away from that role is impossible.

I slumped down and sat on the blanketed roof, my head swirling.

I haven't eaten.

I let myself lose consciousness this time. At least I was in control of something.

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