Letter Thirty Five

65 5 0

a week later

Dear you,

Sam pitched a tent up by the lake and we stayed in there for the week; Ella, Sam, Iris, Calum and I. We made smores every night, ordered pizza and takeaway because none of us can cook and spent most nights talking.

One night we decided to go for a walk in the woods at midnight and it was so scary! Calum had his arm around me to make sure I was alright but couldn't help laughing, just like you did on that night we snuck out.

You would have really enjoyed that week with us. Sometimes I imagine what it would be like if you were here with us.

I'm glad I told Calum about you. If I don't speak for ages and go into my world he will ask if I'm thinking of you, and he doesn't seem to mind. He hugs me and tells me he would like to have met you. Why did you go?

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